Hello Guardians,
Just sending out a recruitment request. I'm the founder of "Dead on Sight" ( http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/308032 ) and I have a great clan that is still small in size but quickly growing. I don't want this clan to get too out of hand; size-wise. So I'm taking the opportunity to send an open request to anyone that wants to join a clan that likes to have fun, get raids done and works together on all modes of Destiny.
Most of us are on the East Coast of the US but we are on about 24 hours collectively as a group. We have an admin in the UK area so he can take care of any issues or Raid setups if you are in that area.
I've set up team chat on the Line app so we can all stay in touch. If you want to queue up with the team send a message in there and someone will respond. Once you join our admins will help get you all setup!
Have any questions let me know. The link is below, feel free to visit.
Get up and fight guardian!
Romeo D Love
Click to join >> http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/733622 In DestinyOnXB1, a group open to any [b]Xbox One user[/b], will help with: Nightfall, Weekly Heroic, Farming, Leveling Up, Bounties, The Raid, AND MORE! ️JOIN TODAY [spoiler]OR FEEL THE RNG'S WRATH[/spoiler]