originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
I just got the Destiny bundle for PS4 so I'll probably have to switch sub clans from DoD Beyond to a PS4 clan. Just a heads up all you Beyonders out there. And for those in a PS4 DoD clan, consider me fresh meat for recruitment. That is all, guardians.
Hello gents. I'm going to be leveling a new alt starting tomorrow. Join me if you like. I can introduce you to some of the harbinger guys if they happen to be on. It's always nice to meet good peeps and nicer to raid with 'em. loot_junky
Go to the dadsofdestiny.net website, where you can find all kinds of friends for your time zone and system as well as an LFG shout box. With that said... PSN: boogie
Welcome, enjoy!
I've got a friend on ps4 looking for friends. Bob1211983
I just got ps4 also...anyone that can add me I am up for anything anytime I am on