...who cares i have all 3 Dark Orbit Shaders! So when I die, I die looking awesome :D
Hail Dead Orbit !
What is your rank so far?
I want to strangle you with a dead chickens ball sack.
Nothing gets the bitches like Dead Orbit shaders. Srs tho I wish I had one ;.;
I bet you get to hang out with the cool kids at school now. Man I sooo wish I was you. Then I to could be popular with the chicks.
You're missing the 4th one. The Nowhere. Oh my warlock. GG though.
You lucky bastard
I'm 33 dead orbit and revenant still eludes me. I have hanged man and bittersteel though.
Hail prince vageta!
Hail Dead Orbit!
Cosmetic items beat powerful pve weapon. #LOGIC