Sniper... Just an average to sub-average K/d though... I'm so inconsistent with how good I do XD
I only use snipers on certain maps, like shores of time or the big maps.
Consistency means your not relying on luck xD so good job
Ahaha thanks! I wasn't expecting a reply like that! XD I go Over 20k and under 10de pretty often, even under 5... But immediately after my best game I usually do horrible... Or some variation of bad Ahaha. Snipering is great though, I definitely don't see 50% do it Ahaha... I think the forums attract a different population than the people you come across in your average crucible match. Maybe 50% of forum frequenters use sniper in crucible.
It's the happy medium between a lot of kills and a good kd you gotta look for. Too aggressive and you die too much. Too passive and you'll never be the top scorer. Snipe is my favorite because of its effective at all ranges in the right hands. Just requires a shxt ton of aiming and patience.