I find it very fun and exciting when playing with female players. I know, what guy doesn't right? The thing is that, in my personal experience, when playing with my buddies, or my boys, we create a certain atmosphere. When a female player comes in the picture, most of us don't know how to react to the situation. I personally really don't like cursing, or using bad language with any girl. It makes me feel like I have no class when I do, but yet I find it hilarious when guys try to stand out in the party by cussing, and being extra dramatic when a girl is in the game.
Most of us men might know how to speak with women outside of gaming, but when it comes to chatting with them online, or in a party chat inside the gaming world, we seem to not be able to handle it. I still haven't found the solution to this problem, but maybe posting something on the subject may get us a step closer to finding this solution.
[b]The problem[/b]
Female players complain on how male players harass, annoy, and bug the hell out of them as soon as they find out that they're a girl. Sending mass 'friend requests', 'messages', and 'party invites' do not make female players intrigued to play with us. Overall most men would love to play games with female players every other night if they could. But honestly, most male players simply do not know how to respond to the female players who we find playing our favorite game.
[b]Why are guys so thirsty online?[/b]
I do have female gamers which who i play with occasionally, yet I wish I had more female players to play with. When playing with girl gamers, conversations take different turns, and different topics come up, oppose to when playing with your buddies. This is one of the reasons why male players are so excited to have a female player in their friends list. Perhaps some guys play more games than socialize outside of their rooms. Whether this is true or not, what guy doesn't dream of a hot, sexy girl who enjoys the same things as we do? So what better place to find this sexy woman over a match online?
[b]The truth[/b]
The truth is simple. The world isn't a fairytale, so if you are hoping to find this perfect partner over a match most likely wont happen. Yet I don't see a reason to not send a friend request to a female player, nor I find a reason for any girl to get upset. Why is it still a surprise when female players get requested by guys? We don't know, but hopefully times will change to where gamers overall become more friendly, and the number of females in the gaming world are equal to those for males.
[b]Any suggestions?[/b]
The only clue to the solution for this problem is more female players. Guys still dominate the numbers game in the world of gaming, so perhaps by equaling the number of female players, this might quench the thirst for most of these guys. Thank you for taking the time and reading this, this is my very first post. If you enjoyed it please leave a comment, and for any suggestions that could help find the solution to this problem, feel free to leave your comments here as well. Take care ladies, and gentlemen. have a great weekend.
Great post but damn, I've played with around 20-40 girls in 6 years.
Being a chick, I think the biggest thing is that guys make it such a huge deal when they hear its a female on the other end.. I personally hate it when it's pointed out. "Oh my god it's a girl" can get quite monotonous, as if I didn't know my own gender. Also, giving us special attention, running over other dead bodies just to pick us up first, isn't tight. I'm not sure about all female gamers, but I am perfectly capable of holding my own in the games I play. So, if you encounter such a unicorn, don't hype it up, act as you normally would, and if you're intolerable by said female then you're probably just an ass. :):)
Edited by iiAlchemisst: 1/11/2015 4:35:23 AMI have read most of your replies and your tone sounds like a girl.
I once invited someone I had messaged about doing the raid with me and my friends. This person didn't talk for a while and we later discovered it was a girl. It wasn't like she hadn't already heard the shit we already said so it didn't change. That being said I think she blocked me.
As long as they can hold their own in a gun fight and don't do anything stupid (such as throwing up a ward of dawn directly where the relic holder is standing while fighting Atheon) I have no problems. I find myself limited on what games i am able to play with them though not because they are girls but of what other guys will do when they hear them. A couple days ago I was doing the VOG and this one player was having trouble with the jumping part. They hadn't been talking the entire game when suddenly their mic turned on. It was a girl and within ten seconds i watched 2 players jump off the edge (suicide) to come to her aid (white knights) while the other two commenced with the kitchen jokes. She quit about thirty seconds later. I rolled my eyes and went back to orbit myself. What should have happened is we should have let her learn it on her own or one person should have gone up to help her while the rest of us waited below or tried to explore new areas. I guess what I'm trying to say is as long as everyone acts polite and professional i don't care if you are a guy or girl. Just play the game, kill stuff, and have fun doing it.
I personally just don't see the problem with every lonely 20 year old in America. Even at my MUCH younger age I can tell that most guys are annoying attention seeking pricks who act like this because they have no experience with the outside world. (Not that you are, I realized very quick this was a general post to a woman's' frustration with the opposite gender) However, I will not admit that some times guys just aren't sure what to say, since we practically know nothing about women, and many act very differently.
I couldn't care less if my digital teammates are played by guys or gals. I also don't change my behavior at all, since I don't when I'm around them IRL.
[url]http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/653/456/2ee.gif[/url] We all just like a little intimate company when playing. Having a partner who games, even just recreationally from across the world, and is the opposite gender just kind of turns it in to a date-like experience over something you both really enjoy doing. Though it isn't a date unless otherwise established, I think that's why it's so sought after. On top of that, you can act out your feelings and curiosity for another gender over a headset far easier than you can in person, so it takes the pressure out of the social interaction at a young age (which I'm presuming is the case with "girl gamer etiquette"). Just play the game to play the game. If you meet a gamer, who you really liked playing the game with, and who [i]happens to be female[/i], then so be it.
This is useless. The only answer is to be yourself and don't change anything. Girls are people, not aliens or monsters
i throw on my snapback and start blazein my pot joint and throw on my swag lingo and if that doesnt work, i kill myself, because if that doesnt work i dont want to live
I agree with your observation. I find it's much more quiet, organized, and friendly depending on what kind of female is playing
Female gamers be like
Just don't be awkward around us. I love playing with guys because I feel like I can act normal around them and they won't care. Just be yourself and you'll be fine. (Xbox 360 and PS3: UltiGGBri)
I'm an equal opportunity squatter: I will apply the mushroom stamp to males and females equally after i destroy them in battle.
I only play with my cousins or my little brother. I have no interest in playing with friends I meet online or females.
Edited by hzlsnxkslcn: 1/11/2015 5:39:55 AMlol white knight.
Mute them. Drama averted.
I play xbox with my mom sometimes. Usually during the weekends, does that count?
Didn't read all that but here, have some horse porn. My treat! :D
tl;dr when i had a female friend, we set the ground rules. we would not treat her any different, and we wouldn't censor ourselves. we also agreed that she was considered a sister among brothers, discouraging any inappropriate male gamer bs. it worked great until she betrayed one of us.
What is the problem? I dont see it?
Edited by Masshole: 1/11/2015 10:23:27 PM
I really don't see why people are making such a big deal about this. I've gamed and talked with females many times before, I treat them exactly as I would treat anyone else.
Again what was the point of this post?