Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
Don't remember. It was like 5 months ago... First exotic was thunder lord tho
My fully automatic invisible hand m7. Things op as shit.
The swarm
Final Boss, it was an absolute beast in PvP and pve
Aries Nemesis And I vaulted it to pass down to my other start ups. Love the firefly. Makes people go boom.
Broken Truth - Sniper - Void - armor piercing - pressure under fire - field scout Loved that gun.
77 Wizard
Shadow price
Zombie apocalypse
The Crash, legendary FWC shotgun. Pre-dlc. Got it the first week.
Pre dlc purifier VII with maxed stability. Still have it
Bad Seed Down
The comedian vanguard shotgun
Queens chest armor
The comedian babe
Edited by ARod : 2/20/2015 7:31:17 PMDoctor nope... And I believe my first legendary armor was a vanguard chest piece from the loot cave xD
A queens wrath helmet dunno the name of it
Hex Caster ARC
Another nitc... Got it from postmaster when my highest character was level 11
Icebreaker, patience and time, Predyth's revenge, and hezen vengeance, all from first vog raid on normal.
The Devil You Know
Lord high fixer. I accidentally deleted it
Got Time on Target and Harms Way
The comedian from getting to vanguard rank 3.
LDR 5001