Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
First legendary armor was ghost angle chest plate. First legendary weapon was the devil you know. Played since launch so yeah.
My first legendary was The Devil You Know...I miss that gun
Warlock boots. For my Hunter #lootcavefirstworldproblems
My first legendary armor was the queens wrath, wrapon was the chance
mine was an awesome Shadow Price AR, it had field scout, and was a really nice weapon...:)
The Cure (Future War Cult rocket launcher) with tracking. Still have it even though it's 300 max damage. Would love to get an upgraded one with Field Scout, though.
I got an icebreaker before i got any legendary but my first legendary was the vanguard scout with firefly, explosive rounds and field scout
Bad Seed Down
Dr Nope. Loved it for ages on crucible...novelty wore off once I had mida.
77 wizard
Edited by fjelwick: 2/20/2015 6:20:36 PMQueens guard helm, for weapons the supremacy
Zombie Apocalypse from a blue engram
Shadow price with extended mag :)
The Queen's Wrath sniper, The Supremacy. Still have it. And get this. It has Arc and its perks are Outlaw and Firefly! It's the Fatebringer of snipers! :D
The Devil You Know...Thus began my infatuation with Hand Cannons
Unfriendly Giant
Vetanation 3
Doctor Nope it was horrible.
My first was Cryptic Dragon, and used it up until TDB was released, only then did I get VoC & I still use that or Fatebringer as my regular primary.
Zombie apocalypse
Too long ago. I can't remember
Shadow Price
Found verdict
Zombie apocalypse