Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
Shadow Price! -blam!- yeah!
Light/beware. Still rock it in regular pvp
Void Swarm with field scout and feeding frenzy. Thing is an absolute monster in PVP. It's still my go-to heavy to this day
Admonisher III
Dr nope
Useless ass Dr Nope.
Atheons epilogue
The secret handshake
Vanquisher VIII.
Back in October it was the epitah sniper
The Supremacy from Queen's Wrath
Edited by Xx ARMYof 10 xX: 2/11/2015 3:53:10 AMAn asendent shard
Venation III
Time on target Meh.
Legendary void fusion rifle.Cant remember the name.:/
Edited by ExecutionerGoon: 2/20/2015 3:20:03 AMVanquisherVIII
My first legendary for a long time was the Devil You Know. I still use this weapon from time to time, definitely one of the best hand cannons in Destiny.
The Aries Nemesis I believe.
Grim citizen
One Way Ticket was the first weapon and drop, I bought the AOS#Cryptid legendaries
The devil you know
Nice weapons.
I got a legendary dildo. I didn't know how to use it. So I dismantled it , and I got lots of energy. Like LOTS of energy. On my face . Still don't get it :(
Edited by Red Richmond: 2/11/2015 5:50:14 AMMy first legendary primary weapon was from a vanguard level up package. Still to this day the single best RNG delivery I've ever gotten, both in quality and timeliness- by that point literally every other piece of armor and weaponry I had was legendary except for my primary. Shadow Price Perks: Faster reloads after making a kill Field Scout (or stability boost) Rangefinder Still have it, still use it to this day. Looks good, hits fast and hard, respectable range for something that can put 42 shots downrange in a hurry. If the day ever comes that I make one of those pretentious "deleting everything" videos, my Shadow Price will be the very, very last thing to go.
Zombie apocalypse from Blue engram when cryptach was the "trollarch"
I don't remember actually, I'm pretty sure it was an epitaph, but I'm not 100% on that.