Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
Future War Cults "Robe of No Tomorrow"
The Devil You Know
Epitaph (arc) sniper
Shadow Price!
Shadow price
Strange suspect pulse rifle........good times at the loot cave with that one.
Payback SOS. Wasnt that thrilled because I wasnt a huge fan of auto rifles. Didnt stop me from using it.
Supremacy. I still love mine
The Supremacy
Steel Oracle rocket launcher
Zombie apocalypse arc with spray and play and final round 300 attack but will never dismantle
Light beware with accelerated coils. Highest charge rate in the game
Admonisher 3 from the first month of the game
Vision of confluence
Venation III
Final Boss
Shadow price
Vanguard machine gun
Zombie Apocalypse
Judgment VI with solar with an amazing roll from my first ledgendary engram.
Edited by Kemmin: 2/6/2015 3:01:52 AMDoctor Nope. I did everything with that thing for the longest time, including my first VOG completion. As a rule I still dislike high ROF low impact autos though.
A full auto Bad Seed Down
The comedian
Unwilling soul 09 I think