Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
The crash. FWC Shotgun
Grim citizen
Invective is an exotic, not legendary
Cryptic Dragon. Wish it would go to 331
Zombie apocalypse
Super Pox VLO. Old school FTW.
Doctor Nope or the Queens helmet. Can't remember which.
Pradyths Revenge, first raid
Deviant gravity-A It's a dead orbit machine gun
Let get too 800!
An arc comedian with crowd control and range finder. There's a special place in my inventory for that shotgun.
So much for a "memory" or story to go with it. I think it was a 1.0 Zombie apocalypse... How or where I got it however... It was an RNG drop on some stupid strike I'd imagine.
The devil you dont
Up for anything
Time on Target pulse rifle
The devil you know [spoiler]#tbt[/spoiler]
Proxima centauri scout rifle
The Do Gooder V
I got the last word before a legendary but my first legendary was Grim Citizen
New Monarchy Judgement with shotpackage and hammer forged. Best weapon I've ever gotten (gjalla, icebreaker, and hawkmoon aside). It's lead to the deaths of sooo many guardians.
I'm hearing some of the most important guns!
Got Hard Light before a legendary.
Atheons epilogue (yes first raid was hard VOG with all blues)
Fair and Square Crucible pulse rifle :') I remember getting it from a legendary engram after hours of farming loot cave
Final boss 1.0
The devil you know,still have it,still use it