Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
Had to buy my first and it was armor...nothing special. I NVR have any luck lol
My first legendary engram that I got universal remote was pretty stocked until I realized it was a shotgun haha still exotic for my first legendary!
Light beware
bad seed down
Ghorn. First legendary engram turned into ghorn
Edited by CarpentryHero: 1/26/2015 6:39:40 PMThe murmur was my first legendary, after that was the LDR5001 for upgrading my vanguard level. First legendary engram was an auto rifle
Bad seen down
The RYL, it's on my Warlock I believe. It's an awesome weapon, and no longer obtainable.
Timurs Lash from IB roll
First legendary - shadow price First exotic - Gjallarhorn
The Chance Still use that bad boy now and then :')
Found verdict vault of glass
Payback SOS its a weak gun but I love using it. Fire rate and cartridge size is unreal.
Cryptic Dragon... from a blue, pre patch.
My first legendary was the fabled weapon in the armory hall of fame, the shadow price. I received it from achieving vanguard rank 2 back in October
The Queens Wrath armor from way back when. What an ancient relic it is now, lol.
The Devil You Know from a gift for leveling up the vanguard.
Final Boss
A hall-of-famer; [b][i]ShadowPrice[/i][/b].
First legendary was The Swarm. First exotic weapon was Thunderlord. First exotic armor piece was Lucky Raspberry
The Chance from an engram that dropped.
Mine was shadow price. And invective is a exotic
Exodus tread for my hunter.
Shadow Price, still beats out those 331 guns in crucible