Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
Shadow Price, still beats out those 331 guns in crucible
VoC on my first raid run
Lord High Fixer 3 days after the game released.
Some random legendary scout rifle.
[quote]Mine was Badger CCL Thanks for the replies. I have been hearing a lot of Doctor Nope and Invective.[/quote] Armor was the Guost Angle helmet for the hunter, and weapon was Shadow Price.
Invisible hand. Seriously? It's never left my vault. I don't know why I haven't broken it down yet.
Corrective measure then atheons epilogue in the same raid on normal as a level 26 lol I got carried, this was a long time ago, I joined my buddies game right at gatekeepers
Lord High Fixer
My first was Bad Seed Down a legendary pulse rifle and the only pulse rifle I've ever actually liked.
Epitaph with outlaw and firefly.
one way ticket 000
Invisible Hand (solar). Still have it too
Shadow price
Mine was either the Swarm machine gun or the Comedian shotgun, I can't remember. First exotic was Bad Juju.
Steel Oracle rocket launcher
Price of Shadow.
Shadow Price. Ol Reliable.
Bad seed down
Bad seed down
Edited by Skylock96: 1/24/2015 3:04:15 AMNot a memorable enough moment for me to actually care.
Not a hundred percent sure but I believe it was light beware
Ascendant shard
77 Wizard Fusion Rifle
Unfortunately I'm not the first legendary :( You're not first legendary?
Shadow Price