Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
Lord high fixer
I am!!
Fair and square
Final boss
Mine was a void damage final boss :)
90% of the people in this forum incorrectly use "your" when it should be "you're", while playing it off like they meant to do that. Blame that on No Child Left Behind legislation? OP, you just swam up stream by doing the reciprocal of that. Amazing.
Vision Of Confluence. Got it my first time doing the VoG. And I assume you don't count ones you get from vendors.
Devil you know. Loved it.
Secret Handshake, I'm not normally a shotgun style player but I do appreciate it
Admonisher weee
The culling FWC heavy machine gun
I found red death before any legendary.
Back when Shadow Price was the best starter legendary. I was one lucky guy. In addition to that, each kill refilled my grenade bar. I was chucking grenades against enemies all day
The proxima ll
vanquisher VII
Devil you know. Loved it.
Vision of Confluence
Mine was an arc 77 Wizard fusion rifle. That's the old pre DLC Crucible fusion for the noobs. I was stoked when I got it and I did feel a pang of remorse when I had to dismantle it to make space...
Shadow price
Not sure.
Doctor nope
Devil you know.
Some random vanguard scout rifle. It sucked so bad. This is back when the game came out. One of the perks was kneeling accuracy bonus and the other was reload faster when recovering from death.... horrible weapon combo. Though I got this and Shadow Price at the same time more or less, and THAT was a good weapon.
Final boss like the instant i hit lv.20 and played a game of crucible. Firefly, feild scout, ambush sights, arc damage, and kills grant bonus ammo.
The devil you know. The reason i switched from ARs to handcannons