Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
The devil you know. The reason i switched from ARs to handcannons
Doctor Nope.... So long ago... Back when there was a loot cave and when Blue gear was amazing.
Final Boss
I got a Legendary Helm, random drop on the cosmodrome from the fallen Captain on the way to the Lunar complex.
[quote]Mine was Badger CCL[/quote]devil you know
I AM first legendary. I win.
I didn't think I was...Hmmm. Weird. [spoiler]You meant "your first legendary? [/spoiler]
my first legendary was The swarm and I Loved it and I still do
I got The Crash, it was an FWC legendary shotgun. I loved that thing to death. Now not so much but I still want The Chance with the right kind of perks (Firefly, field scout, and maybe outlaw). FWC baby!
strange suspect
Pre-DLC Vanquiser III, would love an upgraded one.
The Cure
I don't know, am I the first legendary?
Zombie apocalypse. Still carry it around.
The Calling....
Praedyths revenge still love it
Red Hand IX I think..
Doctor nope
Got plan C before legendaries then got my crypt dweller pre scout rifle buff
Grim Citizen lll. Perfect balance roll and I still have it.
Lord High Fixer with explosive rounds. Love that gun.
Comedian shotgun.
Atheons epilogue ... Raided the first time with two blue and a green gun lol
Mine was the calming fusion rifle from FWC. Deals arc damage. Loved it. Only issue I have with it is that kneepads skill. It's pretty much useless.
The devil you know. I'm never going to dismantle it.
Shadow Price That shit was outstanding, even worked on the hard raid pretty well