Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
Friendly Giant. Them wuz the days I'd hoist a big rocket launcher over my shoulder as I brave into the great unknown that was the early Destiny. Good times.
Admonisher 3 I used that thing for ages until I got ghally
Shadow price. Got it just sitting in a corner eating food farming on Venus at the shipwreck. Friend was playing and saw a purple pop up as he killed someone. Good times of RNG. The guy doing all the work was pissed and quit shortly after that lol.
The comedian got it on xbone had luck in the chamber was a pvp beast
Hopscotch pilgrim
Lord high fixer
Tfwpky 1969
Unfriendly Giant
Cryptic dragon scout rifle.
Queens guard helmet, it's on my hunter now.
For the People. Which I may actually brush off tomorrow.
Two to the morgue
Strange Suspect
Badger ccl
Aires nemesis x4
The HLD Starwinder Cloak from crucible vanilla. The first item I ever grinded for. Good times.
Unfriendly giant
Unfriendly giant
Against all odds
[b]Unfriendly Giant[/b], for those who remember.
Unwilling soul 09 still have it
Doctor Nope only remember it having glass half full.
[b]theGoldenTwinkie approves[/b] vindicator. I was so happy
Crusader I