Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
One way ticket 000
The crash from a postal package
Up for anything I believe.
77 wizard
The Calling. It was my favorite scout till I got Gheleons Demise with firefly. Now, that's what I prefer and my Calling moved to an alt character.
OG Shadow Price. Outlaw, reactive reload, and a fast reload perk gave it an instant reload. It was beautiful.
Another NITC with exploding precision head shots and fast reload with precision shots. It's beautiful and still my favoured primary.
Unwilling soul Trash ar
Badger CCL still have it, still use it
Time on target. I still use it today
The swarm
Hex caster arc worst thing I prob could have got at the time
Up for Anything
I got two legendary engrams in one strike and they turned into the devil you know and final boss
Doctor nope
Badger CCL w/ firefly. Rocked that baby until I reached 31. Good ol' faithful.
I think it was visions of confluence. I never got an legendaries until my friends took me through the vault of glass. I was level 29. (A long time ago when VoG first started.)
Shadow price
Crypt dweller scout rifle have it maxed 300 can't wait till HoW for that 363 attack power up
Shadow price and I still have it
Shadow Price
Plug One.1. I still use it today.
Shadow Price
Arc swarm with perfect balance. A total face melter and i still have it.
Deez nuts