Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
Edited by xX-WILL-Xx: 3/16/2015 7:15:36 AMThe comedian! HA. HA. HAHAHA.
A.1F :') still have it
Invisible Hand M7 anyone remember it?
Final boss... Didn't really use it much
Devil you know.saidly can't get anymore
The LDR 5001 sniper, got it from a vanguard level up package. Or at least I think that was my first, I can't really remember. Maybe it was Valedictorian. *shrugs*
[i]shadow price[/i] grounded my ass off for it
Fair and square or epitaph 2261. One of those
Vanquisher VIII from New Monarchy. First nightfall
Doctor nope
Shadow Price
Final Rest II Solar fusion rifle, was a beast.
Light/Beware with Void Damage
Super Pox VLO. Ew.
Final Boss
Shadow price, from an engram I believe
Another NITC
The devil you know
Shadow Price
The 77 Wizard
Unfriendly Giant Launcher
Hide and seek 42 I maxed it out and still hae it because it was my first
Steel Oracle Z Rocket Laucher
My first was a Light\Beware, got it from a blue engram and was so pumped!
Doctor Nope. O the good old days.