Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
Time on target
Venation III
My first legendary was Unfriendly Giant, I loved that gun.
Fair and Square crucible pulse rifle.
Doctor Nope
Shadow Price, yall Christmas noobs don't know nothing bout that
I bought Doctor Nope and I got the queens wrath chest piece for my armor
Against all odds BEAST!!!!!!! Got it from nightfall
Shadow Price!!!!!
Coild hiss 1919 I love that thing
Armor: Kali-Gunt Scout Rig Wepon:LDR 5001
Coiled Hiss 1919, with a mediocre roll. I dismantled it... 2 weeks later they announce the pulse buff.
Over 2900 replies!
Atheons epilogue
Dr Nope
The devil you know handcannon
Badger CCL with firefly and explosive rounds.
I gotta say Destiny names their guns well.
Badger with awful roll.
Do Gooder V
Hide and seek arc very nice i still use it more than my found verdict.
Steel oracle Z-11
Zombie apocalypse pre-dlc of course
Edited by Jenkins: 3/15/2015 1:58:41 AMShadow price. Edit: It actually may have been proxima centauri. It's been too long to remember for sure.