Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
Time on target... A pulse rifle
Hunger of Crota was my first legendary
77 wizard
I believe shadow price
Vanquisher viii and it was a faction purchase. Took so long to get. Definitely should have levelled vanguard starting out but didn't know much at the time
Zombie apocalypse
Time on target. After buff makes it a PvE wreckage
Fwc calming still got and still use it!
Warlock bond...
Queens bounty helm
Cryptic Dragon
Moniter Helm for Titan
Cryptic dragon. Wish i never dismantled it :(
Shadow price I think. I also had dead orbit boots. I remember I had grinded to get 150 marks and I was going to buy gauntlets and boots but by accident I bought two pairs of boots and was really sad.
Whatever that pulse you get from story, after that another nitc
TDYK, still use it.
Grim citizen III
Shadow price! Third eye, counter balance, and field scout! Before 1.1.1 it was all i used in the crucible. Now, it is useless.
Deviant gravity-A
Time on Target
Thanks for the support and the replies!
Found verdict
Atheons epilogue
Proxima Centauri II. I still love it with the explosive rounds.