Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
Light / Beware fusion rifle. It was a void damage one
The Culling. POS
I bought Unwilling Soul from the Gunsmith on day 2 of the game. As far as I can tell it is the only time he Ever sold a legendary gun. It was Dead Orbits bullet hose AR, and was my favorite gun until I got a random Doctor Nope with better perks and accuracy. I was holding on to it for an Alternate character, but thanks to all the nerfs it became a un-aimable marshmallow shooter, so I scrapped it. That gun served me well pre-nerfs, and I will always have fond memories of getting the 500 headshot bounties done for the Queen with it. R.I.P soul.....
I honestly don't remember. It was probably The Devil You Know or Cryptic Dragon.
Secret HandShake (Void)
Shadow Price
Proxima Centauri II
Cryptic Dragon. I loved it back in the day. Before the scout rifle buff so everyone using one rn only uses it for the buff. Noobs im the REAL scout rifle OG all u guys are fakes!!!
The Calling made me realize scout rifle is best wep in crucible.
I got the swarm machine gun
Edited by blades of honor: 3/14/2015 4:39:37 PMStill have it. basically its a vanquisher VIII with a tad more range & stability. Got it from a engram, didn't buy my first legendary
P&T... still 300... still rocks!
Super Pox Vlo
77 wizard fusion rifle
My phones notification is going crazy!
Shadow price way back then
Doctor Nope
Steel Oracle - Random Engram I found from a cabal major.
Payback SOS.
It's that Auto Rifle, Doctor something. Got it from Vanguard rank up.
Payback SoS. Was waiting for me at the postmaster the very first time I signed on
MG18A Harm's Way
Shadow Price. Not a bad start.
Shadow Price. Not a bad start.
Edited by Silly Sod: 3/14/2015 10:30:48 AMGally in crucible - was just about to quit the game but decided to just let it sit on the screen for the full duration of the leader board just to pish people off Oh you meant legendary - Monarchy Hand cannon and still have it
i cant remeber