Hello guardians! We all know the feeling of your first legendary/exotic. So this thread is what your first legendary is!
My first legendary was a chestpeice.
[spoiler]Celebrating 1 year of this thread! [/spoiler]
The Crash. Blue special Engram.
NARWHALS NARWHALS, SWIMMING IN THE OCEAN, CAUSING A COMMOTION, CAUSE THEY ARE SO AWESOME! http://youtu.be/anM1N5oN-OM Consider yourself narwhaled! Good day sir.
Final Boss
My first legendary was Lord High Fixer I still have it
The Zombie Apocalypse followed by The Steel Oracle 3 seconds later.
The calming. It was such a great fusion rifle, and it really still is my favorite one to use!
Deviant gravity-A from a blue
Satienne rapier I love that gun
For the people and kabrs forceful greaves
Mine was shadow price
Queens sniper
I skipped straight to exotic with the universal remote before a legendary
The former vanguard sniper called Epitaph.
Captain price auto rifle
The light beware fusion rifle from a legendary engram back when u could get blues from them
[quote]Mine was Badger CCL I somtimes reply to good guns. Over 2400 replies!! Thanks a bunch! [u]Keep the thread HIGH[/u] :)[/quote]Murmur from Eris quest as I joined at Christmas.
FINAL BOSS sniper rifle
Posted final boss earlier but it was actually lord high fixer. Just got a one way ticket with proximity and flared magwell though. New pvp launcher
A shotgun from VOG it's the found verdict thing
Super Pox VLO way back in September
Epitaph 2261
I got dead orbits shotgun. The Hide and Seek-42. I still have it and I still use it. I love that gun
Shadow price from my first level 3 Vanguard package, I still have it
The swarm baby!!!!!
Final boss
I was given an LDR back in January from a bungie/vanguard package. I'm a Christmas noob you see .