^^ :)
Edit 2: I would like to take this moment, to thank each & everyone of you that responded. You took the b...and I caught enough to hold me over for the weekend. And enjoy your weekend. Now let's observe how many more will continue before reading this. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit 3: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/000/554/facepalm.jpg
Edited by I2edShift: 1/11/2015 4:49:30 AMI just started playing when Xúr first sold it and I've played like a heroin addict trying to get it to drop. I've gotten [i][u]every[/u][/i] other exotic gun in that timeframe except TLW & Icebreaker. Take your crybaby hipster ass, find the nearest open fire, and fall in. Face first.