Hello everyone I am currently recruiting 2 EXPERIENCED players to join my raid clan of 8, we are ALL level 32's with maxed Gjallahorn's, Vex & All Crotas raid weapons/armour ect.
Level 32 with Gjallahorn.
More 331 weapons maxed, preferred raid ones.
Very experienced with the FULL Crotas End raid, preferred beaten 15+ legit.
Must have a headset.
(Sorry for strict requirements but going for world record).
We are a very experienced raid team completing Crotas End (No cheating/cheesing) over 40 times legit with speed runs under 35minutes easy, currently fastest Crota kill at 2:57seconds legit, killing Crota before ogres come out of course, downing him below half health with one sword, double down. Anyway..
We will we running Crotas End Hard Mode the minute reset hits next week, we are attempting world record for the first Crotas End hard mode beaten, or top 3 teams to complete it, we will be streaming to Twitch.tv and uploading to YouTube right away.
If you think you are interested in joining this very experienced raid team, you can add me on PSN "Nzcomin4u". We are known as "DRAG THEM TO HELL".
Wish us good luck
I just realized your on ps4 I'm Xbox 1