Hey all you people! (Hey all you people will you listen to me!!!) I've been resurrected by Jebus Crust hisself and have come to give you all my sweet sweet lovin'! Since I've only gots 20-30 mins I can't guarantee quality but I'll sure as butts try! :D
I saw that a few people have been bumping my old thread and just now as I was looking at a booty thread (for science *cough*) the posts from said old art thread were strung into it by some black magic I cannot explain! So here is a new thread, a fresh start, a banana pan for the ages. :3
Come at me bros!!! :D
Also try limiting it to one character, since 20-30 mins ain't much nigs :3
Things drawn:
[url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/010/e/b/screen_shot_2015_01_10_at_8_48_24_pm_by_deadlyfluffball-d8dfc1y.png]Corgi With Hat[/url]
[url=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2015/010/7/2/thingforflood3_by_deadlyfluffball-d8df4ep.png]Intrepid Turtle[/url]
If these are actually your than ur amazing! Real talent bro!! Wow