originally posted in:Lucky Money
A few points moving forward...
[b]Our cheese has gone stale.[/b]
[i]As we all know, our previous methods of side-stepping hordes of enemies and skipping over bosses have been crushed by the vindictive powers that be. As such, it is our sacred task to discover new ways to avoid actually playing the game. If anyone discovers a trick, method, strategy, or other way to help sprint through the Raid a little faster, be sure to tell the group on this or a separate post. Sharing is Caring.[/i]
[b]Crota's getting harder.[/b]
[i]Crota's End level 33 is coming soon. Rest assured, there will be a clan Event for it. We all need to be striving for 31 if we're not there, and helping our clanmates if we are. If you have the gear, grind bounties and strikes until you're 32. As soon as we've been given a date and time, I will be partnering with Lucky and the other admins to hammer out the best strategy. Right now, we're looking at 2-4 Raid teams with two designated individuals from each team in a Live party to communicate strategies to the other teams. More info when the launch date is revealed.[/i]
[b]Iron Banner returns.[/b]
[i]Has anyone else missed our favorite snarky lord, Saladin? Word is he'll be back next week with all-new goodies. No clan events on this one as we prepare for CE33, but be sure to communicate with us as the week progresses and you need a team to fight with. Someone's always on and ready to help.[/i]
[b]Get that buddy system rolling.[/b]
[i]Every admin should be on everyone's friends list. I don't care if Destiny goes obsolete next week and we all delete each other and never speak again. This week, we are a clan and are going to act like it. For many of us, that means cleaning out a bunch of Halo friends that we haven't spoken to in 8 months to make room for the new guys. Friend up. Party up. Learn each other's voices. We don't need to be in a Raid and have someone yell "I need help!" and everyone's spinning in circles.[/i]
[b]Communication is key.[/b][i]
In a party, in a fireteam, in a raid, in a Crucible match... We always communicate what we want, need, and think to each other. That's exactly what needs to be happening in this forum. A few brave souls have made posts of their own, and about a dozen have actively participated in various events and discussions, but it's only a start. Part of the problem is that we don't get notifications for new posts, and part of it is some just aren't as comfortable with text as they are with voice chat. For the time being, these are just obstacles we'll have to overcome. Voice your opinions, and let us hear what you have to say. Right here, in the group forum.[/i]
Give 'em hell, y'all.
(We need a Tower NPC with a hick accent)
I'm gonna be on crucible tonight finishing up this bad juju bounty if anybody wants to jump in
Just got some turtle beach head sets and I'm ready to use them. (They make communication so much better). I'm on almost daily after 4pm during the week (central time) and throughout the day on weekends. I don't know the levels as well as others but I'm a good shot and don't mind 're running missions to help people out. Right now I'm working on ranking up a level 26 Hunter with bounties if anyone wants to jump in. See y'all on the battle field.