This is the [b][u]FIFTH[/u][/b] Iron Banner IN A ROW what about the PvE players Bungie?
(This is coming from a PvE/PvP player not just PvE or PvP)
Edit: Wow 200+ comments! Glad to hear every ones opinion and like I said I also play PvP so I too am looking forward to Trials of Osiris
Edit 2 : WOW 500+ replies and we are on trending thanks guys. I also made a poll if you want to check it out I am on mobile and can't post links but check out my recent posts. Thanks!
Edit 3: Changed [b][u]THIRD[/u][/b] to [b][u]FOURTH[/u][/b] I forgot Iron Banner came after the Queens Wrath.
Edit 4: changed [b][u]FOURTH[/u][/b] to [b][u]FIFTH[/u][/b]. Let's bring this thread back!
Queen's Wrath got pulled because nobody liked it. [quote] Over the last few weeks, the Tower played host to two events, and we learned a lot from both of them. Queen’s Wrath will be going back into the oven for a while.[/quote] Though if Bungie were to actively solicit feedback on how to improve the event, I'd have a few things to say about it. In its original form, it was merely "go to story mission X, kill enemy Y" bounties - which we already get from the normal bounty guy. I would like to see it more like the Eris quests where you have to do patrol and find a special enemy (Eyes of Crota, Urzok the Hated, etc.) , but it should focus more on the Vex and Cabal since (1) there aren't enough bounties for these enemies and (2) the story missions from the Queen were on Venus and Mars. Some better rewards would also be nice. The purple gear wasn't that good, but I did keep some of the shaders.