*splices it* It's as simple as that.
Scarlett: "Noble.... What happened last time you woke up my kid?"
Lycanos: *gets in coms*um scarlet? Yeah this is cap's friend um...shrs nit sleeping..well in the traditional term
Scarlett: "I'm aware..."
She's f***ing plasma *cough*no protection*cough* Also I was drunk I can out run you now
*coughs didn't pull out coughs*
*Is wearing Tex's armor.* "Yeah... No..."
*looks* Wait tex ?!?
"Borrowed it... More like asked the cap for an exact copy."
Statment: church run!!
Lycanos: *has her tackled* run you fool!
*pushes you off her* I'm fine. Tex's amour is so outdated.
Scarlett: "by exact copy I meant the style numbnuts.... It's as upgraded as yours..."
Wait so you're at regulation standards !?!?
Scarlett: "Slightly above more or less..." *Cracks knuckles*
Oh wow. Because mine is 10 times above regulation standards.
"Uh huh." *Grabs his leg and punches him in the face*
*time speeds up for me and I doges you and is now behind you*
*'Scarlett' dissipates and before you realize that the non hologram Scarlett is elbowing you in the spine*
*doesn't hurt* I don't want to hurt you Scarlett !
Lycanos: whens that ever stopped her?
I'll be fine.
Lycanos: your problem then