The time has come and Bungie will be delivering justice next Tuesday. Many people will be wanting experienced raiders to guide them through the madness. We must NOT help those that have not helped themselves in previous weeks. Please take the helm of your fireteam, that way you can deliver swift justice if a "cheeser" is found. Your experience is valuable, it should not be squandered on such scum. Upon discovery of a "cheeser" they should be kicked immediately, regardless of gear or level.
This is our time to shine, make our voice be heard. Kick these scumbags with no remorse. They have made their bed, now they can lie in it.
Here are some ways to spot a "cheeser", that way you don't confuse them with first timers. By all means we should be helping first timers.
1. Look for the Crota's End emblem, this is a clear indicator of a Crota's End completion.
2. If they're using the Crota's End emblem look for VoG weapons that have not been leveled.
3. Beware of "Rare"/Blue Guns, if you spot a player using one boot them immediately.
4. If they instantly go kill themselves on the Bridge section or go to the back room at the start.
5. If they shoot the two Knights prior to luring out the wizards on the Deathsinger section.
6. If at some point during the Crota fight they quit the game as he kneels.
7. If they ask what a "Gatekeeper Knight" is or if they ask what is an Oversoul/where does it spawn. (TheHuntersWatch)
8. When you start the raid group and have everyone, ask "you guys wanna see the new easy cheese method? We'll be through the raid in like 20 minutes." If anyone says "yes" you can boot them.
If you have any suggestions on how to spot a "cheeser' let me know and it will be added.
Happy Hunting
I'll say it again. So, many people don't have a ton or time nor regular group. So when they find themselves in one through the various forums etc. they tend to go with the flow of the group. Most groups have a few friends. Irritate them and you may get kicked. So if they wanna cheese you just go with it. You may ask how it's supposed to be done and they may tell you not to worry about it. End of the day you're there for the hope of an RNGesus blessing so you ride it out. If someone is straight up and wants to learn maybe you should teach them before being on your E-holier than thou campaign.