So ive managed to install a set of elite energy energy daggers modded onto my armour and they work well. Love to see someone steal my latte now.
So... wheres corey, his skiff or flagship isnt here
Edited by Big Moist: 1/14/2015 7:58:37 PMWhy, out of everything you could be a try hard in, did he choose RPing on a fu[i]c[/i]king forum?
Fired like he was shot out a cannon.
He's my assistant bartender at Revans
Corey has turned pver to the darkside (aka revans thread)
I thought we were free to go between any roleplay thread. And fyi they seem to think were in competion with them...
He was fired for attacking revans and being a douche about it and he decided he would be more of a -blam!- and instead of being an adult and accepting his fire he left and now flaunts about how floodzone is stupid
I'll take his spot.
[spoiler]He annoys people constantly, tried to kill some.[/spoiler][spoiler]god mode stuff[/spoiler]
Flaunts? Since when? [spoiler]Plus I get a paycheck.[/spoiler]
You aren't welcome here.
You're the Desticle here. I can't change my name because it's how everybody knows me.
You'd probably have an argument if you didn't throw away money on the DLC.
So? Your point? I don't go posting everywhere about it.
About destiny?
He left
Dibs his office...
There is only one office, and it is mine.
Do what you want...
*grabs wire rifle off rack* SLaser meets sniper... well im destical hunting now later
[b][i][u]I CAME FOR MY STUFF.[/u][/i][/b]
*hides wire rifle*
*grabs throat and slams snip3r to the ground with his left pair of arms, then takes the rifle with his right* [b][i][u]MINE.[/u][/i][/b]
That was a hologram... *fires laser*