I was with a friend today and he got on to show me some stuff. I noticed his gaunlets, the [i]Don't Touch Me[/i] gauntlets, didn't work properly. They didn't active every time he got hit by a thrall or meleed by other enemies. It looks as if they buffed them so you don't turn invisible as soon as you become visible again after being hit. Any one else with this issue??
Edit: So other people are definitely experiencing problems. Bungie if you nerfed them, please tell us and fix them to the way they were.
Edit: So I just tried it and they don't work every time!! Like bungie thought it was too OP or something/: well Bungie, if you're listening please please please buff them to bless us with invisibility every melee hit. Please
False, you never became invisible EVERY TIME you took a hit. Also, shortly after becoming noticeable again, it took a couple seconds before becoming invisible again from a melee. It was like this before the patch and never changed.