This is just a thought I had one night while playing through some strikes.
What if there was a nightfall strike rotation.
The rewards don't have to be the same as the weekly challenge heck they don't even have to be different from the current roc rewards.
I just want to see a rotation where you start a strike and it randomly generates like 5 game modifiers.
I think this would add a new twist and breathe some life into the strikes we have all ran a few hundred times already.
I'm aware the extra challenge should merit a different reward but personally my reward would be just getting a second wind lol.
Things have gotten a little stale of late :(
Quick edit:
I'm not saying take away the roc strike rotation. I'm saying add this one in as well.
I would agree and add not just a Nightfall rotation, but to also make the Nightfall and Weekly strikes different. After running nightfall three times the last thing I want to do is run the same exact strikes three more times with slightly different modifiers and with worse rewards. Something interesting that popped into my mind while reading your thread and commenting is that it would also give the game a breathe of fresh air if modifiers changed during game play. So sort of a modifier rotation. While doing a single nightfall the modifiers would change, whether based on a timer or based on each section of the strike.