It doesn't matter either way my fates the same *drops to knees* whyyyyyyyy
Delta! Brother! Do not join him! The sith always betray!
*drags both into shadows* "Don't resist
No it's not. You can join us. *a hand extends out to you*
No...I will stand with the people who are friends and you certainly are not *stabs you with black saber*
*more smoke* I thought I could have trusted you Logan. Apparently you are just like Revan *stabs you in the back with both my lightsabers*
I thought I could of trusted you too Trevor *begins to die* what would noble squad think of you now you survive reach just to fail them...
I sense great power in you Logan. You can control that power. Be brothers once more. And Noble squad ? They would have fallowed their brothers footsteps *holds out hand* So do you join you're brother ?
Your not by brother besides either why my fates the SAME
Fine *heals you* Now [spoiler]knocks you out and takes you to Malaks sub thread[/spoiler]
*Pulls into shadows" [spoiler]different sub thread[/spoiler]
DON'T DO IT! *uses The Merchant's Soul Stone to seal away Noble*
*doesnt work* I have no soul. Isn't it plain to see ?
*cuts stone in half and then disappears*
*decoy* HA! I KEPT THAT ONE JUST FOR WHITIGOH!!! *fires a bolt of demon fire*
*Uses the force to grab it and attempts to throw it back*