This post is both about feedback that I would like to see changed and some questiones for other guardians.
I would suggest reading this post before you answer the poll and the question for the guardians you'll find at the end of this post.
Anyway, the thing I would like to see changed is NOT something like nerf or buff this gun or give more story or “fix” the cryptarch. No, the thing I would like for Bungie to add is the option to select a region when you log in to the game. Destinys servers works fine/okay when playing PVE, not really having problems there, but when playing PVP the servers are far to often horrible with the latency. I'll be honest, sure sometimes they are fine, but far to often they are not. It feels like 40-45% of the matches I play have really bad latency, maybe not the majority of my games in the crucible suffers from bad latency but still enough to make the whole experience suffer.
I have never disconnected from a game but I have plenty of matches when it takes up to 5-10 seconds for the game to react to my actions, I have died and I press X to respawn as soon as I can but it still takes almost 15 seconds before I respawn. I shoot and hit every shot and then I die, I see the guardian I shot at walk around for maybe 3-8 seconds then fall over and die and give me the kill (NOT kill from the grave, just a reguler/generic kill).
I know that in other games where I can select a region I NEVER experience this kind of problems. In games like Battlefield or CS I can have latency as low as 1ms (I should probably mention that I live in Sweden, and I'm on a fiber connection) and as long as I'm connected to a match located in Europe I never reach higher then 70ms in latency. I can only guess to my latency in Destiny as we only have a bar to represent our connection (which is bad in my opinion), I would guess it reaches up to atleast 1000ms in certain games and when playing PVP that is in my opinion one of the worst things for PVP.
Pretty much all of my friends are sick of PVP in destiny because of that, we all love it when we have a good connection, but as I mentioned before the crucible suffers far to often to make the whole thing acceptable.
Now for the feedback and proposal I have, I don't want nor do I suggest a so detailed region selection that I select my country, but I would like to have the option when I log in that I can select at the very least Europe. Something like Titanfall have were I can still select west US, east US, West EU, east EU, etc etc. Because I'm sure people still want to be able to play with people from the US, EU, Asia and so on and this would still give you the option to do that. But you can also give people who play extremely seriously an option to limit the experience of bad latency.
So if this is possible, please Bungie, make this happen.
Like I said I'll finish with these two questions:
Have other xbox one/360 users experiencesed this?
Have the PSN community of guardians experienced this?
EDIT: Noticed an misspelling in the poll. Should be "Give us a region selection"
Bungie, please do it! :)