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Edited by t70type42: 1/14/2015 6:18:12 AM
I do believe it was called hydrotherapy. But when i was around 13 i accidentally dropped burning water on my foot when i was making spaghetti (it was a very large pot) but anyways i eventually i had to go to the hospital in which i was referred to another larger hospital because my burn needed special care so when i arrived at the new hospital they started peeling off all of the blisters which took up about 60% of the top of my left foot and around 40% of my bottom around the arch ( don't expect perfect numbers i would show you what it looked like on my foot if this were IRL) and then my left foot was much better off with only like at most like 25% on the top (but it still hurt like hell). But after the blisters were off which took a little while but it was only slightly painful i thought the worst was over. But i was then informed that my burn was a deep second degree and was super shy of being a third (3rd is where is burns the cells that allow that skin to regrow where i heard don't have nerves) so all that was covering my nerves was next to nothing except a super thin piece of skin. I was in this hospital for 2 weeks for the and had too have a thing called hydro therapy but i had to take the bandages off (which were next to glued to my nerves which was pathetically painful) but to get worse then i had to dip my burns into a bathtub fully of some pretty warm water but to my burn this felt like really hot water and then to top it off they tell me that they need to take a rag and scrape all of the dead skin of what was left on my burn so they rake the rag and and wipe it over my burn so that the burn wouldn't become infected (but to me this felt like sand paper to my burn) they then tried to cheer me up by saying i was handling it well because normally even grown men scream when they do this but then they had to do the under side of my foot which has even more sensitive skin and was the most intense pain i have ever felt (i was also prescribed vikaden which is supposed to be a powerful painkiller which i now believe might as well have no effect) and had to repeat that process everyday so after the first week of this hydrotherapy i had to be put to sleep for the last week i was there because the pain was to intense. But i had to have hydrotherapy at home after the hospital as well. So ya there is my story

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