I feel like most of the valid points brought up here in the Feedback section are being ignored. It feels like the community as a whole is shouting for change yet we are simply talking to a greedy, unresponsive wall.
Am I the only one who feels that way?
I love checking out these forums on a regular basis, seeing what the community thinks needs changing about the game, whether or not their posts are valid.
Yet it seems like even the most wanted changes (extra vault space, raid bug-fixing, raid gear and weaponry upgrades, etc.) are being completely ignored and unawknowledged.
More and more I get the feeling that this game was produced lazily, and is being updated lazily. I can get better game maintenance and updates from a $1.99 application on my phone.
You would think that a company like Bungie would care more about the quality of their game, rather than their sales.
In summary, I think [u]WE[/u] as a [u]COMMUNITY[/u] need more Feedback, rather than us providing ours - we don't seem to be getting anywhere with our suggestions and requests. Maybe I am asking too much, but to me it definitely feels like [i]something[/i] is missing.
Anyone else agree?
Edited by sXmE: 2/17/2015 6:06:17 AMCompletely agree. Owning this game makes me feel like the scenario. "Go out and get drunk they said, it will be fun they said" Then I woke up next to this massive Heffernan and felt disgusted I didn't know what to do, hurling all over the place with that smelly stank left over from the room. I went silent for days not knowing what to say or do, I went into a depressions unlike any other all because of her. her name was destiny. It will haunt me forever, I even spent the extra money on the pie. It was not worth it.
Yea man, let's just ignore the latest update...
Edited by zP Sylus: 3/11/2015 7:23:21 PMOkay, things being "asked" for such as extra vault space aren't going to be implemented at the first kid whining about it. Bungie isn't going to go "OH NOEZ!!11!!1!1 WE NEED TO ADD SUCH AND SUCH BECAUSE SOMEONE WANTZ IT RITE NAO!!11!!1!1" These things will be added in future updates since it takes updates and modifications to the game to actually implement into the game. It's not something they can just code and patch into the game overnight and they sure as hell have more important things to worry about that some of the ludicrous suggestions on this forum. Not only that, but just because they don't answer EVERY.SINGLE.TOPIC about a suggestion doesn't mean they don't read them and log the feedbacks for future reference. Have some patience.
Edited by Northern: 3/23/2015 5:31:42 PMCut Bungie some slack dude, we've only been asking for increased vault space for like 6 months, there's only 550+ of these guys and they can't do everything when their busy with things like *exactly WTF are these guys doing everyday* meetings and stuff. Extra vault space is being discussed and should be implemented this year or next at the latest.
Like most companies, greed has trumped over building a community and something that keeps people invested in them. WoW wouldn't still be a huge game without the great community to keep it alive and kicking. I expected crap from Activision, but the fact that Bungie has been so spineless just shows that the more we throw money at them, the less they care. And half the problem is that this community is so toxic. When critique is being attacked as crying, b*tching, whining, etc. is horrible when we are trying to voice actual issues with the game. Maybe if instead of "stop crying and get over it" people start posting "that sucks, feel the pain" and actually propose legitimate fixes, then we will be heard as a community. There are too many "keyboard warriors" out there who hide behind the internet because they can be "cyber jerks" without anyone reprimanding them for it. Solution: Become a unified community, and not a bunch haters. Flood Bungievision and DeeJ with a bunch of threads about these issues that need fixing so they MUST be seen. And if they aren't, it will be proof that there is no place in Bungievision for player feedback and concerns.
In general, I agree. Bungie's communications need to be better. But I think it's necessary to keep in mind that Destiny is not merely a simple game residing on your console. A change to something like Vault space looks simple on the surface, but it's not nearly as simple as it appears. Bungie keeps all your Destiny information on their servers. To keep the game playable, those servers have to respond very, very quickly to millions of console requests. As I understand it, they're using some sort of massive SQL database system on their servers (SQL databases can be challenging to make changes to.) Changing vault space means making adjustments to this massive mission-critical system; a very delicate thing. Then not only do they have to update and roll out changes to this database system while making sure nothing gets lost, they have to update the game itself on 4 consoles, companion apps on multiple platforms, and their web site. This is far, far more complicated than your $1.99 phone app. I've seen a video where a Bungie rep said they're working on increasing the vault space. Just keep in mind that what they're doing is not as easy as it looks from the outside.
Walls are more responsive than Bungie.
The feedback we seek will come at E3 when Bungie announces a full release for Destiny for the fall, which will contain all of these things we are asking for. Calling it. After all, it's Annualvision. But then again, Bungie's always just been comparatively careful (slow) to make updates and changes to their games.
Passionate players = tons OF feedback threads get buried.... Many ideas are rehash, recycle or have been brought up like a billion times already. It's difficult to be such a fan of a game you know has great potential.
they don't give a fook ignorance goes hand in hand with arrogance they are going to do whatever it is they are going to do all we can do is sit back & watch the epic failure in real time
Agreed while the implementation of the faction rep availibility was great I would rather that time and recourses be used to gives us more vault space
100% agree
Edited by Christortion: 1/22/2015 6:30:38 PMI absolutely agree with you, but on the flip-side - these forums are flooded with negativity in the absence of [u]real, substantive[b] "feedback".[/b][/u] The vast majority of the posts I read are negative. No feedback - just complaining. And, while that could be considered valuable feedback by some; how can the developers be expected to sift through thousands of posts daily to find that one little shred of decent feedback that might make a case for a real update? Most people come here just for the sake of complaining. While I agree with many of the complaints, in reality these types of posts are an expression of opinion, with no solution to said complaint. So I guess my request would be - start making more meaningful, well articulated and thought out posts, and the developers are more likely to respond. Edit for clarity, as written communication can be misinterpreted (especially amongst strangers) - I am in NO WAY saying that the OP is making a useless complaint - just stating my opinion overall. Though I do absolutely agree there needs to be more interaction from Bungie and their customers. The LACK of communication is misinterpreted as NOT CARING, and I honestly do think the folks that read these posts DO care; its just that they're not in a position to make things happen as quickly as we would all like.
I agree
I agree with you too.
I totally agree with you.
Lol wrong game company if this is what you want.😂😂
Can't hear you.. Reason -> wall in the way
Can't hear you.. Reason -> wall in the way
Their weekly updates are just talking about an update that will hypothetically happen at some time. If they spent half the time they wasted talking about updates and actually released an update we would be in good shape.
Completely agree. They listen to destiny reddit page mote than their own forums...
How about the other cheating aspect of the game that nobody wants to talk about. An oversight that Bungie needs to take responsibility for. It's called....... Making three of the same class and then cheesing the F out of all the raids three times per week. How about you fix that one Bungie. No integrity. No accountability.
The only thing we can do is cause a "trend" Twitter needs to explode with Destiny Boycotts. Trending is the only thing big business watches, and why we've gotten updates like "more ships" and weapon nerfs. Whoever Bungie listens to is a person who either trends heavy or a youtube sensation. These forums are not their source of advice. The 13 year old swedish squeaker gets 12 million hits, so they listen to him. And now, auto rifles are broken.
Definitely agree 100%