For a Titan Defender in PVE what buff do you use for your ward of dawn and why.
Armor of Light - Allies gain significant damage resistance
Blessing of Light - Passing through the ward of dawn gives a temporary shield
Weapons of light - passing through the wars of dawn gives temporary increase to weapon damage.
PVP- Armor of Light. Taunt them into entering your bubble... and wreck them, PVE- Depends on the situation. If there is a moment where survival is more important than damage (say, a Nightfall) then Blessing is the way to go. However, if you can afford some kills in your team, Weapons of Light basically improves your gun damage by 20%-25%. In my case, when I go defender with my mates, I will use Blessing for Nightfalls, but in Raids and Strikes I enable Weapons. My Hunter freidn told me that, with blessing, he was getting the biggest crits he had ever seen agains Atheon.