So in my English class our teacher asked us if we thought kids who commit serious crimes should receive the same punishment as adults, of course all my class mates gave simple answers like, "No, they is kids" or, "Yes, crime bad." I'm not quite sure how I feel about it, so i figured I'd ask you guys how you feel about it.
How serious the crime and how old are they?
They need to be punished, but only in the sense of imprisonment and long probation during adulthood. The thing is that their brain will change a LOT, so therapy and guidance will essentially make them into a different person. I think there are a few child murderers out there who are now mundane and functional members of society.
I actually study this very topic. Funny. I'm of the opinion that the juvenile system is crap. It was originally created as an alternative to formal punishment with a focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment. However, the system has grown much more formal and now it neither rehabilitates nor prevents recidivism effectively and often has gross negative impact on the kids because of it. In addition, juvenile courts do not have to follow all the same rules as adult courts, potentially depriving children of their constitutional rights. And when adults get out of prison, they have programs to help the people integrate back into society- children really don't have that since there's more reliance on the family. Not that there isn't help anywhere, just that it isn't nearly as prominent... or effective. At the same time, the reason for all this in the first place is because kids have lower mental capacities. That's an indisputable fact. So since the Juvvy system is crap, and it hurts the kid and society more by putting them through the formal juvenile process what can we do? Just make age a mitigating factor. If a crime is serious enough to where it warrants a sentence (a word that isn't used in the juvenile system, instead calling sentences.. ah... I think the word is 'dispenses?' Starts with a D, hah), put them through the adult process with full legal rights (lawyer, degree of proof needed, etc.) and just reduce the sentence based on age. Then they will also have access to all the resources adults have. That brings up the issue of 'well, if age 15 gives you a five year reduction and 14 gives you a 6 year reduction, what about a 14 year 363 day old kid.' To which I'd say the arbitrary boundaries between ages could have overlapping reductions the judge can decide based on the individual circumstances. I'm all for giving them discretion. i.e. Age 1-10 five year reduction Age 9-13 four year reduction Age 12-15 three year reduction Obviously reductions based on the actual crime and these are random numbers. Anyway, that's my view. I'm all for age being a mitigating factor and eliminating the juvenile justice system entirely.
Death penalty.
I'm all for capital punishment for infants. #dontmesswithTexas #dontdothecrimeifyouainteven5
Shameless bump