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1/14/2015 9:08:18 PM
An interesting and well thought response. I must also conmemorate you for your knowledge and your extensive vocabulary. People´s opinion on the game they recieved and the future of Destiny as a whole depends on how you see it. As a customer and after having read the official contract between Activision and Bungie, I can only say that is all just business. Among the things that I concur with BDobbins is that Destiny reached out to possibly everyone of its potential customers, including me (pre-ordered it, as I was aboard the massive hype train of this game). It was the comercial success of the decade and of this new generation of consoles. But then again, the dissapointment of the public comes from them as gamers. Imagine if Destiny was released as the "master-piece" that everyone hoped that it would be. Mixing the great gunplay that is has with more gameplay modes for the Crucible (sparrow racing included) and on the single player campaign, a trading system, a way to socially interact with other people other than dancing, a deeper story and more interactable universe and overall less grinding to it. Something of this nature is what gamers wanted from a game that was developed by no other than Bungie, the same studio that brought us the Halo franchise. Alas, it was not meant to be. As a customer, I can see that this is how these companies are making business. As a gamer, I am cynical about whether or not I will pick up my copy of Destiny 2 (depending on the improvements that they make) but I am also curious as if this plan was made or shifted around the time the lead writer was fired. There is no way of knowing, but I am certain that had this game been what we all who pre-ordered expected it to be, then the Destiny franchise would have earned something very few companies and franchies have: The trust of its GAMERS. And with trust, comes a safe time where you can release all kinds of DLC that will only add to what is already a more than satisfying experience. Though this is all just my opinion. If I may ask you then: As of right now and knowing what Activision and Bungie have in store for us, if Destiny 2 came out right now, would you buy it?

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  • What a loaded question. :-) In all honesty, if Destiny 2 came out today, I would not buy it. However, it is not for the reasons you may think. I like to believe that every purchase that I make comes from making an informed decision, and there simply is nothing for me to make that determination on, at this moment. But, I can assure you that I will be paying attention, and as that information becomes available, I will use that to make a decision. Just because my subjective opinion is that I do enjoy the game, complete with its faults, does not mean that I have "bought the franchise", so to speak. I did pre-order Destiny, not because of the hype or the perks (directly), but because it would allow me to access the game early enough to determine whether or not I would actually want to cancel my purchase or not. Going in to the game, I had absolutely no expectations. Generally speaking, this is not a genre that I would normally consider to be one in my wheelhouse. However, the social aspects of the game were intriguing, and while still lacking, are one of the continued draws for the game. It was the gameplay that hooked me, and still impresses me today. I have complaints, and a wish list, but I also understand that prioritization is not solely about what I want, or even what we want. There are larger circumstances at play, and not every change is going to be visible to us, or just an atomic change that exists on its own. Take the Vault issue. Seemingly easy to address on the surface, at least. We can agree on that, correct? Bungie has acknowledged that this is a highly requested feature, too. The assumption here is that Bungie is incompetent or not listening. For all we know, though, Vault expansion, itself, could just be part of a larger change that is yet-to-be-announced - or it simply could have already been slated for a future release. Not saying that it is, but a lot of changes have more moving parts than those we interact with. Had seen several people say that it should work like the Diablo inventory system, where you can buy more Vault space. I like that idea personally, apart from one thing - which of the countless currencies would we use to do it? Bungie is also likely aware that is a concern amongst us, as well. Who is to say that they are not rolling that into a larger change that addresses the sheer lack of a unified economy in the game? We simply do not know. But, it is fair to say that they are not sitting idly by, watching the world burn. I really do understand why they do not communicate more with us, and it is an unfortunate consequence of the game being put on a pedestal before it was released. Part of it is likely Bungie, themselves, not wanting to provide false leads on something being actively worked on - and part of it is probably some level of gag order, or preapproval requirement in communications, laid down by Activision. On one hand, I would love to get more knowledge into what is happening and how things are progressing, but on the other hand, I am all too familiar with how a small ripple can turn into a tidal wave, where the slightest snag will cascade to the point where it broadly impacts the best thought out plans. Like I've said elsewhere, I am not married to this game, or to Bungie, in any way. I feel that, in my own subjective opinion, that I got adequate value from what I paid. That says nothing about my own opinion, or those that would disagree. I bought the game for my own satisfaction, and I feel that requirement has been met. Does that mean that I want ten years of the exact same thing? Not at all. As the game mature, I expect that to be represented by what the game can offer me, iteration over iteration, that it had not previously offered me. If it gets to the point where it is solely about pushing content, then I will likely step away until I can get all (or a large portion) of that content in some level of a roll-up release. But then again, developers and publishers likely know that my perception there is not unique, either. Nothing can guarantee it, but they almost have to bring new levels of engagement into the game for the major releases.

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