We should pay people to be fixed
Edited by Ryouji Gunblade: 3/26/2015 6:22:40 AMYes, through gene therapy. Voluntary for adults, involuntary for criminals.
From a scientific standpoint eugenics works. Due to medical science and modern technology there is very little natural selection that takes place other then Ooooh big boobs. However when approaching the topic of eugenics it's important not to get caught up in ideas like a master race. Instead we should be selectively breeding to specialize our genetics much like we specialized breeds of dogs to perform different rolls and functions. The fact of the matter is there is not nearly enough genetic variation in the human race as is and this problem is only being compounded by globalization which is homogenizing human genetics even further. We should be selectively breeding to create more diversity because genetic diversity is the secret weapon that ensures the survival of a species. So the whole wipe out one ethnicity while selectively breeding another like the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url]'s did is a completely false notion and only serves to shrink the diversity in the gene pool. The best way to ensure our survival as a race in the face of epidemics, overpopulation, and environmental disaster is to create this diversity through selective breeding. At the same time screening for negative genetic conditions could help eliminate them but even then one has consider things like the fact that sickle cell anemia while having negative effects also provides those afflicted with it resistance to malaria, which is a trait that provides people in equatorial regions greater survivability despite its negative impacts. I hope for the day when our species is as diverse as that of dogs. You can hate me all you want for this, it doesn't change the fact that I'm right. However I honestly don't think eugenics is even feasible in our society. So maybe eugenics isn't the answer anymore but rather our real insurance policy for the future could be genetic engineering. But we must be careful with that because like I said we are looking to create more diversity not less and so far what we've been doing with that technology has been the opposite of what the end goal is.
At the time of this reply, 44% of voters voted yes to eugenics. I would be with the misfits resisting and laughing our asses off when 99.9% of these 44% were deemed unfit to continue breathing.
No. My parts are not to be controlled by others with their own agendas. That said, I don't see why I should say it's okay for those with less desirable traits than I to be controlled. I'm a person and that person is a person too. We all have to be treated equally. [spoiler]global sterilizatiooooooon![/spoiler] Srsly though it's not good to control others.
Yes. People with undesirable traits shouldn't have the right to reproduce. Period.
Edited by Sapphire: 3/26/2015 3:34:50 AMThis is the first time I've ever heard the word. I don't know enough to take a stance,
Most definitely not.
I can't believe people think that this is ok. It's appalling. People aren't just a bunch of numbers. Has anyone else seen Gattaca???
I know a guy called eugene and he has good weed so Yes?
Dunno what that is so by default yes.
No. Because Kahn Noonian Singh is a bastard.
I believe because we need to control the outbreak of stupidity
51% of the flood agree with Hitler. I like it here.
Depends. Do I have a problem with people intentionally mating in order to produce children with desired traits (like Heinlein's Howard Family)? Nope, I have no problem with that, because it is a process that requires multi-generational "patience" and is no different than selective breeding of other animals in order to get desired results. Do I have a problem with those who are not patient enough to allow genetics to "do its thing" over multiple generations and feel that "killing off those with undesirable traits" or "preventing those with undesirable traits from reproducing" is an acceptable practice? Yes, I do. I see the former as being a matter of free-will and a conscious choice by consenting individuals and the latter as a "cover story" and excuse for prejudice, racism, and genocide.
Shut up Charles Benedict Davenport.
Only when I make a baby. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sure, why not?
I don't think severely genetically disabled people should be able to have offspring with someone who also has a severe genetic disability. I don't think we should start attempting to sterilize people with low IQ scores.
Wholeheartedly, yes
Easy there. It's delicate.
Idk man. Who is Eugene? If you mean Eugene Krabs, then I'm in.