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1/15/2015 7:23:53 AM

Public Event rewards for everybody

I think Public Events should reward all participants with something. Any one thing. Whether you're the Guardian who stands and fights from beginning to end, or that cool dude on the sparrow who arrives at the last second... ALL players should receive a reward, in my opinion. To make it fair, I would expect to see only one item per person so that some people are not getting two ascendant materials while others are getting only one. However, I think there should be additional items for completing public events. Including what we already get from the public events, here's an example of what I think would be great to be used as rewards, one per participant: + Ascendant Energy + Ascendant Shard + Mote of Light + Strange Coin + Rare Engram (Any) + Legendary Engram (Any) *this should have a very low chance What do you think of this? Any ideas for another reward item? Any ideas for the public events? ...An idea I would suggest for public events with legendary engrams would be to make the event either more difficult or time consuming. For example, a public event which happens to show up with extraction crews asks you to do 7 rounds of it, a warsat takes almost twice as long, or a fallen walker with double its the normal health... TL;DR: Make public events give us only one reward item, but make it guaranteed. Also, give us the chance to win a rare engram or legendary engram, not only motes of light, strange coin, and ascendant materials.

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