originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
I have to get this off my chest and I figured there was no better way then to share it with my fellow dads.
My good friend (who is also a dad) and I set off to attempt our first nightfall strike. This week's strike seemed to be a little bit easier than past ones, so we watched some YouTube videos and figured we'd give it a go.
We don't exactly have the best gear, but things were going well, we were just going slow and making sure everything was as predictable as possible. I ran defender Titan so I could bubble rez if needed and tried to play a bit more cautious than my buddy. It turned out to be a great idea because I had to rez him a few times.
We finally make it to the final boss and things are going well, then the failure noob moment happened when the boss is at around half health. I had been using ammo synths the whole strike when it wasn't safe to run around and grab ammo. We had killed a wave of mobs and Sepiks was just firing away from a distance. I figured it would be a good time to do an ammo run, I informed my buddy and out I ran. Once I reach the middle (top level), Sepiks teleports to the middle himself and one shots me... My buddy sees me go down and immediately runs out to try to rez only to be one shot himself. After a bit of cussing at an hour down the drain, we then laughed, called each other noobs and ran the weekly heroic strike to make ourselves feel better.
Maybe we'll try again this weekend, if our wives let us, haha.
Thanks for reading!
TL:DR - my buddy and I are noobs and fail at nightfall
Edit: Thank you all for encouragement and helpful hints and tricks! This makes me want to go home and run the strike right now, haha. Dang these responsibilities :)
I haven't done a Nightfall yet. I know they are harder and have more modifiers but can you still at least respawn at the boss if the whole Fireteam goes down or do you have to completely start over? Are the rewards from Nightfall usually worth it?
It happens man....as "easy" as that nightfall was it was made more difficult by the arc burn....so don't feel bad.
Nightfall Fail! I spent the week ranking up 2 characters in Iron Banner to get the arms and hope the sniper dropped so I only did nightfall on 1 of my 3 characters. Had time last night so nightfall it is for my hunter. I solo it and have Sepiks down to 50% health and then.... [b]Xbox Live disconnects!!!![/b] It was 2:30am and we are going to Disney today so I guess my xbox sent me a very clear message. Ouch.
My wife's patience is wearing thin with destiny lol might be time to buy her a new gift or get ready for a second divorce. Did the Nightfall last night with My lv 26 Hunter trying to solo it (talk about slow) .... had my kids ruining around doing the dad dad dad dad thing while wife was shaking her head as i told her i will only play for 30mins 2 hours later still doing the dam night fall thank fully had 2 people join me half way through... level disadvantages make a huge difference. my lv 31 warlock breezed through. If any dads need help with raid or anything hit me up i have about 400 hours under my belt so far. krajstefan ps4
What system are you on I would be willing to help on xbone gt slothfuldata758
LOL...! You should invite me..I am looking for friend to do the NF and weekly. I am super noob too..LOL My 17yo son is a much better player, even I have more hours..:) Any one on XB1 and at PST...please invite me on NF or Weekly strike. I am Titan lvl 31 has saint helmet..:) I usually play around 5:30PM to 11:00PM PST weekday. Weekend I have more time...:) GT: MICfknNAUGHTON
If you have Xbox one add me Joeybatts42 I can solo nightfalls
I was thinking about giving this a try tonight if XBL gets straightened out. I'll probably take my Hunter and stealth through as much as I can to save ammo. I'll lug around PnT as well. Probably Against all Odds in my heavy slot as it dishes out Arc damage too. There is another place you can post up to shoot at the Walker. Just in side the door, to the right there are two pipes running along the building that you can jump up onto. Jump up on them then walk back to the building. Your back far enough that the walker won't shoot at you, but you have a higher vantage point on the walker than just inside the door.
Edited by OGMoonWizard: 1/15/2015 9:08:23 PMThe first part of this Nightfall is the hardest with the stealth vandals. So if you can clear that. There's two easy tricks for the rest. You must have an arc sniper. I used Patience and Time but I'm sure any arc sniper leveled up will work Tank. - you can stay in the back room just before you enter the Tank room and hit it through the window. Nothing will attack you. Spepikis Prime. Kill the initial mobs by ducking in and out of the entrance door. Then enter and go through the door to the left, into the little room and down the stairs. Shoot Sepikis from under here. He can still hit you. But you can snipe him easily and the adds won't get you. I found a way to hit him by aiming through the bars of the under structure. I had a team of 3 and we all had arc snipers, but it took us maybe 45 seconds to kill Sepikis this way. We were all lv31 though and I see you are lv30 so it's going to be significantly harder for you.
Been there done that...i know its hard to find a third but if you are not totally familiar with the strike of the week its always risky to run 2.... if one of you has a warlock with self res its almost as good as a third... this is a great group of guys ive been helped and helped out others so many times. Add some more dods to your friends list and you will never be alone again... good luck brother
I have ran all 3 characters through, but if anyone needs help I'll gladly run through again. Depends on your lvl but it should take no longer than 40 mins, again depends on your lvl/experience. I will say that I did get sent to orbit twice on one of my runs :( and yep a few cursed words were chosen :)
Lol. My buddy and I did the exact same thing but it was about an hour 20
I'm on xone if you need a third I got two more characters to run it on
^Gt^. Im on XB1, if you need a 3rd let me know.
Edited by Vu_Prime: 1/15/2015 3:24:30 PMYou are not alone. We've all been there. Like you said, this weeks nightfall isn't so bad. Just take it slow and steady. I'd lend a gun but you're running Xbox. Much luck to you though. PS. Keep in mind it's Arc Burn this week. Equip yourself with as much Arc damage weapons as you can and know that their arc weapons will down you almost instantly.
Edited by stujcol: 1/15/2015 3:07:10 PMquick hint for such situations. Instead of waiting for your buddy to rez you, get him to hide out of the way. Next you leave fireteam and go back out to orbit (just you not your buddy), then rejoin his fireteam. Rinse, exploit repeat. Until you get good enough at it, then you can play it properly!
Edited by Darthmaximus: 1/15/2015 3:01:09 PMYeah you need to be careful when u rez teammates even if it means just hanging out for a few mins till an opening arises, you play you learn.
I feel your pain. That sounds like something that would happen to me.