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Edited by The Cellar Door: 1/15/2015 7:32:59 PM

[Social Experiment] How would you feel if you were drafted by the U.S. Military? And Why?

Completely Disagree (attempt to evade draft)


Morally Disagree (do not evade, but be drafted)


Agreement (drafted, in military, support draft)


Other (specify)


Let's take the social experimenting in a different direction. Once again, there is no right or wrong answer, each answer can be inferred for more than the answers itself, and each answer can be related to point of view. However, this time, we are experimenting moral compass with personal convictions about the U.S. Military. We are using a hypothetical situation, that would probably not occur in actuality. So heres the situation: [b]The U.S Congress approves a draft for a war in the Middle East. Obviously, as there is not a draft currently, so the circumstances that the U.S. Government have observed to send volunteer troops there now has changed, and this is now a substantial matter of national and international security. The "lottery" (a system by which they select draftees) is in place, and you are an appropriate aged male. By laws surrounding a U.S. draft, students are able to finish their semesters, and Seniors in college are allowed to finish the year. After these periods of schooling, you are eligible to be drafted. [/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [u]And here is the question:[/u] [b]How would you personally react to being drafted? Why is this so? And what is your background (student, in the work force, professional, etc.) currently?[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also, if you chose to evade the draft, you must keep in mind that you are endangering/revoking your citizenship with the U.S. and are now prohibited from the country. If you are already in the military, then you would [i]presumably[/i] be okay with being drafted into the military, and thank you for your service. Also, if you are ineligible currently to be drafted, neglect that, and consider yourself eligible. Answers like "but I is 14 I no military" and "I not from merica" are inadequate for this social experiment. Finally, every time you vote in a poll and do not comment, you become incredibly hungry, but are not in the mood for anything in your house. [spoiler]badgerforninja2k15[/spoiler] [b][i][u]IF YOU ARE NOT AMERICAN OR NOT ELIGIBLE FOR A DRAFT, I DONT CARE. I'M ASKING A HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION. IMAGINE YOU ARE AMERICAN, OR IMAGINE I AM ASKING YOU IF YOUR COUNTRY DRAFTED YOU TO ITS MILITARY IN A WAR SITUATION. [/u][/i][/b]

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  • Edited by Viin Man: 1/16/2015 8:27:52 PM
    Omg some of these responses. Half of you, in this thread, might have to go to the military. You're not smart enough to do anything else.

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    8 Replies
    • It would suck since I want to get into graduate school and become a doctor, but I wouldn't be enraged over it. I briefly considered becoming a scout sniper when I was 16. (far above average eyesight, lifelong practice with guns, I'm not too tall, etc.) If I could somehow become a medic, I'd actually be kinda excited.

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    • People who are not willing to fight terror are supporting the terrorists.

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    • Nope

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    • Nope

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    • I already want to enlist so..........

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    • Already serve...doesn't apply to me. Besides, we don't need a bunch of you can see from most replies, the vast majority are pu$$ies. Don't want em, don't need em.

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    • This

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    • Look. I would cry, I would listen to my mother tell me to please not go, but I would do it. A lot of people forget that less than 100 years ago thousands of people gave their lives to secure freedom for generations to come.

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    • Edited by balazra: 1/24/2015 12:13:48 PM
      I would be a conscientious objector it is in law in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Ireland, and many other countries. The reason the law is in place and activated if conscription is activated is you wouldn't want the person next to you to be unreliable. I do not object to fighting. If you wish to defend your country I salute you. I would defend my county, however I would only defend it. I would not attack another Sovereign state. If I was conscripted into a defence force I would go willingly, given any military or non military role inside my county would be fine, however if I was going to get sent abroad to fight some one not directly attacking I would sign up as a conscientious objector. I also have another thing to consider as I am a national of three countries which would make war between any of these countries a problem also. ( I do not expect in my lifetime for these countries to go to war against each other. Not again anyway.) Have a pleasant day.

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      3 Replies
      • Is it just me or is this neither social nor an experiment? You're just asking a stupid question

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      • All of theese responses with conditions do not deserve to live here. If the country still paves your roads, provides police protection, and allows the possibility of your freedom no matter your rank on the asshole scale, why should you have conditions for defending her? If your mom slapped someone's baby in the face and that person tried to beat the shit out of your mom, are you gonna be like "sorry mom you deserve this" or are you woop that persons ass regarless of what happened, gender, race, or age? Cause personaly ima -blam!- that person up. Just sayin.

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        38 Replies
        • Conscription is slavery. I'm nobody's slave.

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          4 Replies
          • Im already in the military. Its not bad.

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          • [quote] Middle East. [/quote] As a senior officer in the Air Force. [spoiler]Yes, as long as I don't run out of fuel...[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by Hellbent02: 1/24/2015 12:00:28 PM
            I like America but not enough to die for it or most of the idiots that populate it. I'll probably get called a asshole or coward and quite frankly I don't give a -blam!-. More than half the world could die off and I wouldn't care any less. Only reason I'd be upset cause it would effect my lifestyle. I don't have hate for the world, I simple just don't care about other people that much.

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          • 1. There would never be a draft to fight the middle east 2. The war would be over in seconds because I would roflstomp every single one of the middle eastern 3. I would become the president of the United States and ensure everyone that there will never be another draft.

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          • Already joined.....

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          • Edited by Veldoodle: 1/18/2015 4:28:58 PM
            Wow there Are a lot of assholes on this thread. Someone is not a "coward" or a "quitter" just because they leave or don't join the military. I could call anyone that for not understanding nuclear physics. Imagine being forced to suddenly work as an Analytical Chemist. Most of you probably have no -blam!-ing clue how to do any of the stuff they do. You aren't going to know anything about it. Now imagine you get paid on your performance in that job. If you don't do well, you won't get any money. (This is a hypothetical situation for an analogy, remember that) if you don't get any money, you can't feed yourself and die. You will almost certainly quit. So if someone is drafted into the military, where if they screw up they will probably die, why the fūck shouldn't they quit if they don't want to fight?

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            1 Reply
            • Determines on the war, if it threatened America directly then I would definitely go.

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            • If I was drafted I would be scared, disappointed, and accepting. I would be scared, as is anybody going into something they are unsure of. I would be disappointed because I would be forced to put my life on hold and face he real possibility of my death. I would also be accepting because I feel it is my duty to defend the rights I hold dear, to let those who want to criticize me, demonize me, idolize me, or just live out their lives as they see fit have the ability to do so. My background? I am a student

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            • I'm in military so yeah

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            • Really depends on what the war is for.

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            • Really wouldnt want to kill anyone, if I had to survive yeah, not something I want to do.

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            • 1
              id just shoot myself the second they handed me a gun

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              1 Reply
              • Can't be drafted. I have an illness, that if left unchecked for too long, would kill me. I have needs that the military cannot fill.

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