Let's take the social experimenting in a different direction. Once again, there is no right or wrong answer, each answer can be inferred for more than the answers itself, and each answer can be related to point of view. However, this time, we are experimenting moral compass with personal convictions about the U.S. Military. We are using a hypothetical situation, that would probably not occur in actuality.
So heres the situation: [b]The U.S Congress approves a draft for a war in the Middle East. Obviously, as there is not a draft currently, so the circumstances that the U.S. Government have observed to send volunteer troops there now has changed, and this is now a substantial matter of national and international security. The "lottery" (a system by which they select draftees) is in place, and you are an appropriate aged male. By laws surrounding a U.S. draft, students are able to finish their semesters, and Seniors in college are allowed to finish the year. After these periods of schooling, you are eligible to be drafted. [/b]
[u]And here is the question:[/u] [b]How would you personally react to being drafted? Why is this so? And what is your background (student, in the work force, professional, etc.) currently?[/b]
Also, if you chose to evade the draft, you must keep in mind that you are endangering/revoking your citizenship with the U.S. and are now prohibited from the country. If you are already in the military, then you would [i]presumably[/i] be okay with being drafted into the military, and thank you for your service. Also, if you are ineligible currently to be drafted, neglect that, and consider yourself eligible. Answers like "but I is 14 I no military" and "I not from merica" are inadequate for this social experiment.
Finally, every time you vote in a poll and do not comment, you become incredibly hungry, but are not in the mood for anything in your house.
Lol they'd do a lot better without me
Already in... So... ride the wave of not being a draftee? Retiring in 7 months! To answer the question though. I voted to go with it. Can't dodge the draft.
in now so im screwed regardless. but even before then, or more realistically when i get out, I'd go in. Reasoning: if there is a draft, then shit has really hit the fan. maybe not ww2 status, but something is very much wrong, so I'm not too worried about the oil fight. as worldly as i try to be, i am still very patriotic and will defend and fight for my country and her allies, unless we are doing something wrong like the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] party. then I'd leave and fight elsewhere. also, having prior experience would make things way easier than being a fresh boot. i refuse to be a victim and will fight for and defend those that choose to be such. as much as i don't understand it or sometimes even hate it, I'll still do it. I'd totes be in the resistance in red dawn. damm commis. taking my land...
I kinda had my own plans, thank you
Seeing as I wish to join the military, I'd be happy that I got in because if I was drafted, that meant I failed. #secondchanceatdreams
It's my personal rule to never try to hurt another person, so me being in the armed forces is completely out of the question. Don't get me wrong I love my country and I'm willing to fight, just not with a gun in hand and with the intent to kill. In another life, or rather in another universe where the world is completely unified and there's no discrimination, some of the people I would fight could be my drinking buddy (for instance because I don't drink), one person could be the godfather of my child or rather one of them could be the mother of my child. And If that's not enough, think about the other persons point of view, they probably have a family: a child, a wife/husband, or they could be someone who has their whole life ahead of them. My point is I don't care for what "righteous" purpose it's for, I can't- or that is to say- I won't kill a person unless it's in a case of dire circumstance
Already in
My father was drafted in Vietnam and let me tell you, if you think you're "free" in America, wait until you're forced to go off to a war you completely disagree with and want no part in and are forced to kill people and otherwise do things you never thought (and shouldn't know) you were capable of, just to survive.
I will not fight for a country that cannot fix its interior problems first.
I'm not going to soak a piece of dirt in the Middle East with my blood, just because the U.S tells me to. And besides, it won't accomplish anything. It [i]literally[/i] will not cause any difference, at all, in any problem or pressing situation, [i]at all.[/i]
Completely avoid. I have a wife and son, I'm not going to abandon them to invade someone else's home on behalf of a corrupt governments agenda. If my home country was under threat/attack then it would be a completely different story.
Why don't we just call draft dodgers what they really are. Cowards.
Edited by John Doe: 1/16/2015 3:01:12 AMI would file for conscientious objector status. Nobody could ever give me a good enough reason to kill another human being on their behalf.
Edited by Oak_Khan: 1/16/2015 3:13:04 AMI mean I would go, but if I totally see absolutely no reason to be there I would leave to another country I'm probably one of the people that would be drafted immediately, I had the military chasing me because of my asvab score and fitness I guess.
Waaay too old to be drafted. Suck it young people.
-blam!- man, i would go if i was drafted but i have shitty asthma, no upper body strength, and a -blam!-ed up leg form a bike accident :/
Morally disagree. The loved ones would be in tears.
Edited by Brencie: 1/16/2015 2:42:13 AMI would accept it, but the only time I support drafting is when you're fighting someone like the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] and we need as many people as possible to stop them. The war should also be a just one that is actually for national security instead of "national security". [spoiler]The guys who started WWII. Forgot that it wouldn't let me say it.[/spoiler]
I would definitely be drafted as I'm the only son of 3 that won't be turned down for medical reasons. I work in the medical field so I don't know if that would influence my placement. I don't agree with the idea of the draft but I would go.
I would tell them I'm gay and can't handle being around the other men. Then I don't have to go.
I can't be! Disabled. :)
I would accept the draft, the pay could help with paying fore more college and I would learn beneficial skills
Edited by NewVegasRadio: 1/16/2015 2:02:19 AMI have dual citizenship so I can "go for a vacation" to Canada for a while to dodge the draft.
Jokes on you I can't be drafted I'm handicapped
Confused, because I am not USican.