Let's take the social experimenting in a different direction. Once again, there is no right or wrong answer, each answer can be inferred for more than the answers itself, and each answer can be related to point of view. However, this time, we are experimenting moral compass with personal convictions about the U.S. Military. We are using a hypothetical situation, that would probably not occur in actuality.
So heres the situation: [b]The U.S Congress approves a draft for a war in the Middle East. Obviously, as there is not a draft currently, so the circumstances that the U.S. Government have observed to send volunteer troops there now has changed, and this is now a substantial matter of national and international security. The "lottery" (a system by which they select draftees) is in place, and you are an appropriate aged male. By laws surrounding a U.S. draft, students are able to finish their semesters, and Seniors in college are allowed to finish the year. After these periods of schooling, you are eligible to be drafted. [/b]
[u]And here is the question:[/u] [b]How would you personally react to being drafted? Why is this so? And what is your background (student, in the work force, professional, etc.) currently?[/b]
Also, if you chose to evade the draft, you must keep in mind that you are endangering/revoking your citizenship with the U.S. and are now prohibited from the country. If you are already in the military, then you would [i]presumably[/i] be okay with being drafted into the military, and thank you for your service. Also, if you are ineligible currently to be drafted, neglect that, and consider yourself eligible. Answers like "but I is 14 I no military" and "I not from merica" are inadequate for this social experiment.
Finally, every time you vote in a poll and do not comment, you become incredibly hungry, but are not in the mood for anything in your house.
Confused, because I am not USican.
Fighting for the USA if from there? Nah , for my country?yeah, bolivia is the only threath anyways and they're wipeable.
I would wave at the enemy
Doesn't matter b/c I'm already enlisting :P
Dibs on drone pilot! Hehehehe.....
Cellar, I think the booty threads were better, you have brought out a lot of tin foil hats here.
If you [i]want[/i] to be drafted, why not just join voluntarily?
I would be pissed off because I finally got a job where I'm making good bank and I know it won't just wait for me when i come back. It's a government job so I can't evade the draft but I'm sure there has to be a loophole...i hope.
Edited by walker777007: 1/16/2015 1:34:22 AMI would go to jail like Muhammad Ali during Vietnam
I'm not going to die over oil
I'm a sissy. I would run from everything or just die.
Sure, I'll do it. I can live through it once my sense of individuality is taken away from me.
Only if it's to defend our country, not attack another.
Edited by HarakiriGod: 1/16/2015 12:37:02 AMI'll die for my country/motherland [spoiler]and to test out the latest weps and vehicles for free[/spoiler]
I would shove a cork up my ass and go out and serve my country
America has treated me well and I would gladly give my life protecting it. [spoiler]Seriously, what's with all the unpatriotic jerks on here? If you wouldn't die for your country, go somewhere else. [/spoiler]
I sure as hell wouldn't like getting drafted, but if it's to protect the [u]good[/u] people in the U.S. (Not the stick-up bitches that inhabit it) then I wouldn't evade being drafted.
Keep eating Poutine as I am Canadian
I'm already aiming to get into the military as soon as I can so I would be very pleased
I wouldn't sign up on my own... But I was drafted I would do it. Someone has to.
Be confused as I am from Canada
Why the heck would anyone join the army When they can play destiny
Edited by Some Black Guy: 1/15/2015 11:52:42 PMI refuse to join a war I want no part in. I wouldn't want to go to jail however, but I morally disagree. Why should I go kill innocent people that caused me no harm, to aid in the rich's financial and economical aid? No thanks. We're just puppets following orders as if we're heroes, subjectively speaking Wars have always been sought out by the greedy and power driven, wealthy people. I'm not at all for invading someone's country, taking their resources, ruining lives in the process; as if that's actually protecting my country. I understand there are actually vile people who terrorize others, that simply need to be eliminated by the public's wish, but wars are not the consequence of that.
So far have spent 4 years in army so its non applicable ...
This post made me think about what I think is worth dying for. To save a life of someone I don't know? Not a chance. [spoiler]if I would do that I might as well hang myself and donate my organs and save like 4 lives[/spoiler] To save a child? Nope. To save a family member? Possibly, but most likely not. To save my whole family? Sure. What would you die for?
Stop being a pussy and serve my country