Let's take the social experimenting in a different direction. Once again, there is no right or wrong answer, each answer can be inferred for more than the answers itself, and each answer can be related to point of view. However, this time, we are experimenting moral compass with personal convictions about the U.S. Military. We are using a hypothetical situation, that would probably not occur in actuality.
So heres the situation: [b]The U.S Congress approves a draft for a war in the Middle East. Obviously, as there is not a draft currently, so the circumstances that the U.S. Government have observed to send volunteer troops there now has changed, and this is now a substantial matter of national and international security. The "lottery" (a system by which they select draftees) is in place, and you are an appropriate aged male. By laws surrounding a U.S. draft, students are able to finish their semesters, and Seniors in college are allowed to finish the year. After these periods of schooling, you are eligible to be drafted. [/b]
[u]And here is the question:[/u] [b]How would you personally react to being drafted? Why is this so? And what is your background (student, in the work force, professional, etc.) currently?[/b]
Also, if you chose to evade the draft, you must keep in mind that you are endangering/revoking your citizenship with the U.S. and are now prohibited from the country. If you are already in the military, then you would [i]presumably[/i] be okay with being drafted into the military, and thank you for your service. Also, if you are ineligible currently to be drafted, neglect that, and consider yourself eligible. Answers like "but I is 14 I no military" and "I not from merica" are inadequate for this social experiment.
Finally, every time you vote in a poll and do not comment, you become incredibly hungry, but are not in the mood for anything in your house.
Guns are fun and I havnt got much to live for.
[quote] Also, if you chose to evade the draft, you must keep in mind that you are endangering/revoking your citizenship with the U.S. and are now prohibited from the country.[/quote] Great, then I can move back to Canada, where I live now. Win-win!
Yeah, no way in hell I'm giving in to their demands. brb, going to Cuba.
I wouldn't wanna because I disapprove of any military action
I said other because I'm not American
If my service is needed for the greater good, then I have no reason to fight it. I'm a student who, at one time, planned on joining the military. So being forced to wouldn't be as odd to me as it would be to others.
I'm already in the military, but in order for a draft to happen there would have to be another world altering conflict(similar to WWII) So should a time come that the security of all free nations is at stake, I wouldn't see any reason to resist what needs to be done. However, do keep in mind that you're asking many teenagers a question to which they will almost always respond: I don't wanna die ;_;
I'm no soldier but if and when the time comes when my country truly needs all the help it can get I'll be the first to sign up.
I would be rather confused, I live in UK ;)
I'm already enlisted so it won't bother me
Other: Book it to my embassy.
Is this a another Crusade I'm hearing about? I want in! [spoiler]And this is said by a PoliSci student going into ROTC[/spoiler]
I'm not sure. Even if there were a draft though I'm safe cause of college
It depends for me so idk what to vote. Here are my thoughts. Firstly I was born in Mexico, and later my family moved to the U.S as residents. A couple years ago we were awarded our citizenship. For me becoming a citizen means more than the benifits I gained as a citizen. Being a citizen means that I must support the country to which I have been accepted to, meaning that I would serve in the military if needed. However if a war is injust or a waste of human lifes and resources, I would gladly revoke my citizenship. In the hypothetical situation you mentioned I would have chosen to revoke my cotizenship
Depends on why I was drafted? Was my country being attacked? Was it to invade another country? If so then I would just pass on the draft, probably just break my own leg. If aliens attacked then I would be more than happy to be about of the military.
As a citizen of the United States I have the right to decide if I'm willing to risk my life over a conflict. I would make every attempt to avoid a draft and fight against it.
N/A I'm Canadian
I commented but I'm still hungry cuz I can't afford food. -blam!- you OP, you sadistic faggit
Edited by The Cellar Door: 1/15/2015 7:09:04 PMSorry double post
I will already be in the military when i become eligable
I would fine with it.
Lucky for me I can't be drafted.
Add another option. 'US laws, policies and plans do not directly affect me.'
Of course I fight, I HAVE to fight, I get capitalism, freedom, and freedom of speech
Not hungry D:
I'd be more annoyed than anything else without know anything about the conflict. I'd still go out and do the best I can, because if I have to be there I might as well try to excel. As a student I'd have some time to prepare, so I'd start exercising more. I guess that is about it.