OHMYGODITSEASY!!! WHATAREYOUDOING?!?! JUSTTAKEHISSHIELDDOWN!!!! Level 32, Gjallahorn. Ice breaker. Still dies like a baby. Rages out on the team of Raid newbies who are just trying to have a good time while they learn the ropes.
-blam!- this guy. I’ve had enough of him. I play to enjoy myself, i don’t have infinite time to waste on whinging, nasty, offensive little scrotes who act like babies in their 30’s.
So, I created a group for friendly, respectful, like minded players to get together, regardless of skill, level or load out. Helping each other. Enjoying banter. Fun times. Cool bro’s (and lady bro’s).
That’s MY Destiny.
PS4 ID Adamosaurus-Rex
EDIT Please join my group if you've had enough of these ballbags too.
EDIT 2 PS4 group dudes!
EDIT 3 xbox clan also made active, the group and clan names are SKIDOOSH if you want to search for them.
Thanks for your Id. I don't want to play Crota with you or anyone like you. Crota is annoying enough. Even when you have people trying it can go badly. But to make a group for people just goofing off. No thanks.
Edited by Altron: 2/7/2015 9:13:32 PMThe fact that the raids don't have matchmaking really makes it a gamble who you play with. I've been in some awkward lobbies with dudes blaring rap over their mic. Been in lobbies with fathers who have children crying bloody murder in the background. Lobbies with squeakers that just constantly talk about things that make no sense and beg to cheese the boss. I've also been in games with elites who go off on a tangent if you don't have ghallajorn or heavy ammo. However I've also found some really -blam!-ing hilarious people on there. Everytime I've met a laid back group of people, we beat it in no time. Yet I could be in a fireteam of all Lvl 32 "elites" and their negativity drags the whole team down and causes hours of frustration.
Why the -blam!- would anyone want to play with you if you're just going to put them on blast? -blam!- you and your psn id
Your probably that trash guy based on your charecter
Mr. 1000 legs says "Stop being a bitch." .......\...../ ......╚⊙ ⊙╝ ..╚═(███)═╝ .╚═(███)═╝ ╚═(███)═╝ .╚═(███)═╝ ..╚═(███)═╝ ...╚═(███)═╝ ...╚═(███)═╝ ..╚═(███)═╝ .╚═(███)═╝ ╚═(███)═╝ .╚═(███)═╝ ..╚═(███)═╝ ...╚═(███)═╝ ...╚═(███)═╝ ..╚═(███)═╝ .╚═(███)═╝ ╚═(███)═╝ ╚═(███)═╝ .╚═(███)═╝ ..╚═(███)═╝ ...╚═(███)═╝ ...╚═(███)═╝ ..╚═(███)═╝ .╚═(███)═╝ ╚═(███)═╝ ╚═(███)═╝ .╚═(███)═╝ ..╚═(███)═╝
We had a guy like this in a CE group, raged about everything from how others were playing to the heavy weapons ammo glitch. Soon as he rage quit we were able to finish. Funny because he said we couldn't finish the raid with this group, he was right just needed for him to leave and replace him with a non rager.
Your being a douche, time for you to skidoosh
Very well done rant, I hate this guy too and never played with him
We normally have 6 people we do Hard Crota with but had to fill two spots last week. We got one guy who was like this. If he died on his own, he made excuses or blew it off. If something happened to someone else, he was the expert and chewed them out. We mocked him until he finally left. The funny part was as soon as he dropped, we finished the section with 5 people. lol! Then, we found a more mature replacement.
I hope your clan goes well and sucks in all the losers from lfg so only good players are left.
Hello I am a level 32 to Titan, lv 31 Warlock, and lv 31 Hunter. I'm looking for a hard core raid group an possibly a clan to do Crota. I have Xbox one, and Xbox360 I have every exotic but the following pocket infinity, super good advice, Red Death. YES I HEAVE NECROCHASM Really good things about me, 2.0 maxed out Galley 2x Black hammer Abyss defiant Fatebringer 2x vex Every good legendary Almost every good legendary from Crota Gt: RainingSwag PS. Did I mention I farmed for literally 50 hours to get husk of the pit no sleep at all...
Yup, rage needs ruin games. I'll add you. I need cool people to raid with.
Edited by Imladris: 1/15/2015 7:36:57 PMI don't know a single soul that plays any games at all. This is my first game where you have to interact with people and it makes me super nervous. I'm fairly shy and quiet so I haven't really participated in any group activities a problem that has me stuck at level 27. -_-
Kill him.
I wish I met more like u. I'm xbone though! :(
I play at times with a lovely group of patient people ( friends I made on another game) who are all really excellent players and, despite my best efforts, am the Albatross around their necks as I am just not very good. For that reason I never invite random people for the weeklies and nightlies and raids. ( I can on occasion solo the easier weeklies but it does take me a very long time to do so ). It would be so nice not be concerned that my kill total is half that of everyone else, and just play with those of a similar disposition for the sheer fun and chat. I rarely go in the Crucible. I have one level 31 ( Warlock) and two level 30s ( Titan and Hunter) , a reasonable load out and am already in a clan. ( my friends) I am on PS4 psn AnAnxiousNoob playing in GMT at various times of the day and evening and would be delighted to play with anyone who just wants to chill and enjoy the game. Please let me know if I may friend you
If anyone out there on PS4 is like me and just wants fun, can laugh at dying and dislikes the screaming ballbags too - just hit me up. Am crap in pvp, not raided yet - and do reasonable in strikes - and predominantly GMT times (with some late nights at weekends). Find me with: killa-squirrelz
This^ guy knows what's up. I'm on ps4 if anybody has this same attitude add me. I've got a kid and another on the way so I'm not trying to listen to someone who's nuts haven't dropped complain the whole time.
If someone says you suck, and you say you don't, there is a 50% chance that you suck and I'm not going to add you. Get lost.
Edited by Dip Smuttins: 1/26/2015 6:30:00 PMWhile I understand it should be about having fun it can be completely tiring and frustrating when people just won't learn/listen. This will lead to wipe after wipe, which all could be avoided if people would just follow very simple directions. And after using LFG pretty frequently, I'm convinced half of this community is mildly autistic. Although I don't condone the fit he threw.
Had a great example of this today. Hard raid, first ever time with the sword. I know 13 hits before enrage, I'm lvl 32, I kill swordbearer, grab the sword and....crota moves to the right, fireteam leader immediately quits to orbit due to "inexperienced swordbearer". I had the sword for about 4 seconds. Guy sounded like he was 10 years old.
Thread hijack! Does anyone play Driveclub? Just started team SKIDOOSH on there as well. ✌️
These ball bags just need to take a break
WarBeast1212 I don't want to play with them any more
Were you in that group? That's harsh man, sorry you had to put up with that if you were.