This is a forum of Destiny's Terminology that the community creates and could use. Please keep it original, do not say something that is used in something else. For example, don't type the term "Beater" just because it was used in Sword Art Online. Create terms that are new and reasonable for Destiny. The terms that are acceptable will be listed in alphabetical order with a definition. Also, if you create a term, please explain the term with an understandable definition. Thanks and stay strong Guardians!
[u][b]- Destiny Terminology List -[/b][/u]
A nickname given to the Ghost. This nickname is derived from the voice actor, Peter Dinklage, and the fact that he takes the role as the Guardian's Ghost in Destiny. The mixture of his last name with the word "robot" creates Dinklebot.
A nickname created by the Guardians for the Fallen Servitors. The Servitors received the nickname due to their eyeball-like appearance.
[b][i]"Return with your ghost, or as one..."[/i][/b]
A saying commonly heard by Guardians before they leave the Tower. The quote encourages Guardians to stay away from death while fighting the Darkness. It is based off the famous saying the ancient Spartans used, 'Return with your shield, or on it..."
An abbreviation for the Vault of Glass, one of Destiny's hardest raids.
For the longest I called shanks "sharks" or "skanks".