Update: my internet is out today and I'm not sure what the status of it is. I still want to do the relic training, but I'm at the mercy of my ISP. Still send me messages, but I don't think I'll be able to start at 3 at this rate.
Hey everyone, I'm going to be doing a few relic training sessions tommorrow. Although I am offline for the night, is recommend sending me a message on XBL to reserve a spot if you want to learn the following:
1. How to use VOG ad CE relics.
2. Best strategies to use as relic holder.
3. General practice under no pressure on efficiently using the relics on small enemies, oracles, and bosses.
I will take 3 people per session. I will also invite people who send me messages on XBL first when I start this up tommorrow. Be expecting invites around 3ish central time.
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