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12/28/2014 7:46:21 AM

Scout rifles and pulse rifles still being wholly outclassed by handcannons

Title. Discuss. I don't expect scouts to out dps hand cannons, I expect them to be competent at ranges the hand cannons are not. VOC not withstanding. Pulse rifles need a slightly higher crit modifier or better stability across the board so my gun isn't jumping like a Jack Russel Terrier on speed when ever i breathe near the trigger, and so the stability upgrade isn't vital to the point of trivializing other upgrades in the tree.

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  • nope. Pretty sure my red death and VoC both will take anything moving out at long range before your "mighty" hand cannon does. Besides, have you noticed the differences in ammo and damage per hit? Generally speaking, slower firing things with less ammo do more single shot damage than things with much more ammo and fire rate. The difference is sustained vs burst and at what range, it has nothing to do with a whole class being better than another all the time. It has to do with how you use your weapon and when. That is not to say that there are not many pulse rifles and a few Scouts that don't need buffing, but the basics of the classes make perfect sense. Besides there are weapons from every class that need buffs/nerfs, so it sounds to me like you may be mistakenly generalizing your own situation with everyone else. However, I am not a fan of guns with extremely little impact (aka almost 90% of the guns introduced in TDB), if your gun has very little impact it does very little damage, which for certain things like auto rifles, and possibly pulse rifles makes sense, because the idea would be to try to get lots and lots of small hits with precision if possible. The problem is, you give a gun too little impact, and no matter how fast or accurately you can damage a target, it starts to take too long and/or too many rounds of ammo, just for one person. I think Bungie may have disliked how much damage things were doing in pvp, and tried to make a small change they thought would not hurt pve. But if you have tried some of the new low impact guns such as Eidolon ally or swordbreaker, they obviously just don't fit into the pve aspect. So we have to start getting things like the No Land Beyond, which is so obviously built towards pvp, and it's a tad upsetting. I feel you should be able to use a gun almost as effectively in pvp as in pve for the most part, but that's a whole different beast, so I will stop short. TLDR: Read it or don't lazy

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