Well when they're dragging me down, I am someone who is irritated at having bad teammates.
Welcome to the world of matchmaking. Either suck it up or play with friends.
Way to state the obvious. I'm simply stating they're bad players. Don't be the devils advocate, now.
I think your idea of Devils Advocate is a bit off. But anyways I don't care if someone wants to sit and snipe at something all day. I'm just glad they are contributing and not simply afk.
They might as well be afk because they're doing pretty much nothing with 12 shots a minute.
Well if they had any sense they would switch to a Scout rifle while IB is recharging.
If they had any sense they would actually walk down closer and be more effective as a player.
after all this negativity i hope your an elitist who has never hung back and slung a few icebreaker bullet from safety
I do on nightfalls. I don't suck, so I haven't done that. And I'm an "elitist" because I don't like bad teammates? Lol ok